can i switch light types during early during flowering?


Well-Known Member
first grow ever. indoor. started flowering about 3 weeks ago. have been flowering them under 3 floros at 20w a peice keeping the lights 2 inches above the plant still. 18/6 to 12/12. i just recently got me 3 350w hps lights and domes. im only using one since i have 2 plants this time around, but i was curious if i could move them from the floros to the hps without hurting the plant? thanks


Well-Known Member
I dont think that it would be a problem, you will just have to make sure that you adjust the distance accordingly because they are going to be much hotter, you will also be able to focus more on the red spectrum with the hps light, it will help your yield for sure!


Active Member
Just "Ease" them in to it. Start with 2 HPS about 24 inches from canopy. Lower it about 3 inches per day until u get to 12 inches above canopy. Make sure u water them more than u normally would and monitor temps closely! dont let it get above 85F for more than 4 hours.