Can I start flower and other topping fimming Qs


New Member
I'm looking for some opinions and confirmations on flowering and previous topping and fimming.
BlueDream Feminised. Going into their 5th week from sprout. 900w Viperspecta LED. Coco..
Hopefully you can see all thats needed in the pictures.

1. 2nd pic, Can I send these into flower now? at this size. Im trying to control the size in this small 3x3 tent.
how much bigger will they get. what would yeild be?

2. 1st and 2nd Pic. little blue number tags in each pot. the plants are not arranged the same in each picture.. so just note numbers.
I fimmmed Plants 1,4,5
and I topped plants 2, 3
Im not seeing or understadning how these are fimmed nd topped right. are they?

Im going to hopfully scrog these.. im I going to make it, do I have room, or do i need to get rid of one? if so which one?

I didnt really mean to have 5 plants.. I kinda germinated 5 and all 5 sprouted. then I thought maybe one wont survive... figured id be left with maybe 3..

Happy to add any more pictures.
Thanks for any thoughts.



Well-Known Member
All appear, from above, capable of withstanding topping. Shorter plants? Research supercropping and LST. If you send them into flower now yield will be disappointing.

Flower a couple and veg the others if you have the equipment and space.

Are you planning on cloning any of these?


New Member
I did top and fim. Does it look like it worked. You can see the fimmed ones with cut tips growing out.
I did them on the 30th.. the first pic is the cut. 2nd is after growing for 7 days.

Was not plannng in cloning any..
Only have this work space to grow


Well-Known Member
I did top and fim. Does it look like it worked. You can see the fimmed ones with cut tips growing out.
I did them on the 30th.. the first pic is the cut. 2nd is after growing for 7 days.

Was not plannng in cloning any..
Only have this work space to grow
Pics are not close enough from that angle to see but they look healthy.