Can i recycle old root's and stalk's


Well-Known Member
Please forgive me for my lack of knowledge in this department, did a quick search but could not find the answer i was looking for, so i thought my great Roll it up fellow member might be able to help.
I am growing a few cannabis plants and some vegetables, it is all for my personal use so i am not interested in massive buds of super sized vegetables. this year i went 100% organic. My question is can i use the root's and stalk's from the plants i have harvested to recycle into the new soil for my next crops ?


Well-Known Member
Well 2 ways
1st way. Big pots means cut plant stalk dirt level and plant new clone germed seed etc into the same pot. And the roots will benifiet as the roots from old and new will interwine due to mycos etc per what I have seen and read
2. Throw into worm bin. worms will eat dead roots and of course time turn it back into areation "nutrients or ammenents" and the bigger stalks Will break down over time
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Well-Known Member
Please forgive me for my lack of knowledge in this department, did a quick search but could not find the answer i was looking for, so i thought my great Roll it up fellow member might be able to help.
I am growing a few cannabis plants and some vegetables, it is all for my personal use so i am not interested in massive buds of super sized vegetables. this year i went 100% organic. My question is can i use the root's and stalk's from the plants i have harvested to recycle into the new soil for my next crops ?
Yes and please do. Just make sure they are well composted to kill off any critters or bacteria/mold etc.


Well-Known Member
Well 2 ways
1st way. Big pots means cut plant stalk dirt level and plant new clone germed seed etc into the same pot. And the roots will benifiet as the roots from old and new will interwine due to mycos etc
2. Throw into worm bin. worms will eat dead roots and of course time turn it back into areation "nutrients or ammenents" and the bigger stalks Will break down over time
Awsome thank you so much i am going to try both methods. again 1000 thank's
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Well-Known Member
I put mine in compost bin with lawn trimming/ food scraps. Takes much longer than work bin but works for me. Or as sated about. No till style works great. Just finishing my first notill run and the plants LOVE it!


Well-Known Member
I recently stopped trying to compost the main stalks, those things have been in there for 14 months and some look totally fine, meaning not composted.
treat them like wood, bury them in some wet dirt or something.
In hindsight I should have put them through a wood chipper or something.
speaking of, if you guys don't shred your leaves for you compost pile, you should really think about it... wishing I got a shredder sooner
goes so much faster than normal, and it doesn't "shrink" as much, also tends to keep the thermophilic portion of the compost a lil longer.


Well-Known Member
I was under the assumption if you cut the stalk then planted into the same pot and it grew that the constant watering would cause the old roots to rot, which would then cause the new roots to rot? I shake out the dirt and burn them to be honest, I know some bits are left behind but that's fine by me.

Can someone clarify the rot idea?


Well-Known Member
I am good can't complain life is life I guess. We are dead today. We have done 4 oil changes and an alignment. We started at 8 est and it's now 3:15 est and yeah evert shop is slow..
How are you?
Yall busy?
nah man, same shit here, been doing smogs a lil, but no repairs...
got a big ole dually ford diesel with a broken front differential bracket, damn thing sheared off, and the customer doesn't want to just arcweld it back together (dumbass) so instead we are installing a junkyard diff that looks like it's been sitting at the bottom of the damn ocean for a yr or so.... so rusty..
Oh well... "customer requests, R&R front diff and replace with used differential, against professional advice of shop owner"
that is going on their invoice so when the front diff takes a shit I don't have to redo it for free.


Well-Known Member
I was under the assumption if you cut the stalk then planted into the same pot and it grew that the constant watering would cause the old roots to rot, which would then cause the new roots to rot? I shake out the dirt and burn them to be honest, I know some bits are left behind but that's fine by me.

Can someone clarify the rot idea?
for all intents and purposes , yes, that is correct.
Problem with shaking out the dirt is you totally destroy the soilweb
that being said, I mix and re-amend every two runs.


Well-Known Member
@greasemonkeymann I run flood tables with smart pots so they sit for a while soaking up the good good, I would hate to get rot and run through every other issue just to find it was dem old roots. I should pay more attention to a soilweb a term admittedly new to me, the more readily available nutrients the better. My soils aren't as alive as they should be, more chealting wouldn't hurt. I'm kinda cheating by running sf-100 every other week breaking down those salt build ups as I go. Besides that I add very little other than to correct on the fly.

Next go I'll focus on my soils well being, keep all else the same, I'm pretty dialed in at this point.... Kinda haha


Well-Known Member
nah man, same shit here, been doing smogs a lil, but no repairs...
got a big ole dually ford diesel with a broken front differential bracket, damn thing sheared off, and the customer doesn't want to just arcweld it back together (dumbass) so instead we are installing a junkyard diff that looks like it's been sitting at the bottom of the damn ocean for a yr or so.... so rusty..
Oh well... "customer requests, R&R front diff and replace with used differential, against professional advice of shop owner"
that is going on their invoice so when the front diff takes a shit I don't have to redo it for free.
As is no warranty but at times that's the best way so get the money and no more worries but we deal with lkq alot and they gets some shit from new york and it's the same way. Pretty sad shit but that's what they want. My favorite is when the customer gets there own junkyard motor trans etc and we tell them that's not a good idea but they say do it. So job pays 19 hrs and get done with the job and guess what motor knocks..... all you can say is here and sorry


Well-Known Member
As is no warranty but at times that's the best way so get the money and no more worries but we deal with lkq alot and they gets some shit from new york and it's the same way. Pretty sad shit but that's what they want. My favorite is when the customer gets there own junkyard motor trans etc and we tell them that's not a good idea but they say do it. So job pays 19 hrs and get done with the job and guess what motor knocks..... all you can say is here and sorry
yup... BUT in the day and age of yelp....
You can do everything perfect and then they leave a shitty review because they made a mistake...
And then yelp wants money to "erase" the fraudulent review...
oh and LKQ blows... hate those douches... prices are all over the place. and they are damn slow to pick up cores, shit I have four cores right NOW.
a prius transaxle, a 4.0 Toyota engine, a 22re block, and a Toyota tranny


Well-Known Member
yup... BUT in the day and age of yelp....
You can do everything perfect and then they leave a shitty review because they made a mistake...
And then yelp wants money to "erase" the fraudulent review...
oh and LKQ blows... hate those douches... prices are all over the place. and they are damn slow to pick up cores, shit I have four cores right NOW.
a prius transaxle, a 4.0 Toyota engine, a 22re block, and a Toyota tranny
Go home and relax it's that time man. Yeah I just put a 2014 3.5 Nissan quest motor in last Thursday and friday. Flood car..... nice paycheck lol but yes lkq does take forever and you would think it would be.more a basic price for shops.