can i pour little bit of root hormone onto germination seed in coco ?

hey i just wondering if anyone out there have tried using root hormone liquid not the gel version (its not a clone) on germination seeds ? would it kill the root or would it make it faster process from germination onto veg stage ? or should i waited for the leaves to pop out ?


Well-Known Member
I believe the dose for seeds or seedlings is a very weak one and far far less than clones, should you want to.

As i understand it root hormone is more to stimulate certain cells to start rooting not to speed up the roots itself although it may work. Probably get a smaller but bushier root ball like what happens if yo give to much to a clone i.e. It divides its energy to make lots of smaller roots rather than a few big ones.

Others may be more helpfull or have tried it but i couldnt recomend it.
i dont have any preparagation tray and dome , should i leave it in the sun during day time and dark warm place at night or leave it in the dark until the first leafs grow ?


Well-Known Member
Find a warmish place in the house and leave alone till it breaks the surface and first leaves are visable, this is the germination stage. My seeds always germinate in 5/6 days. Its in coco so to keep moist you could put it in a clear plastic bag to act as a dome and seal the bag. My advice after planting a seed is dont do anything till it sprouts, look dont touch, let motha nature do the rest she dont need you for this part :-)


Well-Known Member
I concur....let it do its own thing......and then if you feel the need to.......tamper with it then make sure u do it for its sake and not yours.........The good old saying springs to mind................KISS......


Well-Known Member
I "experimented" with this same question about seed growth. I took 2 seeds ( bag seeds ) that popped ( via the paper towel method ) and applied a SUPERTHRIVE mix using an eyedropper. The other I used a Rooting Powder ( dusted into the hole where seed will be planted.

One in a SOLO CUP ( rooting powder ) and RAMEN CUP ( SUPERTHRIVE ). They are 5 days old. They started poking thru soil in 24 hours. Growth has been noticeable and continuous. Soil mix used FFOF , nothing else. One does exhibit a slightly darker leaf but both are doing well. Light is CFL 100w ECOSMART bulb.

SUPERTHRIVE was added by an eyedropper ( 1 drop in 4 oz. Water. )

I haven't tried the Root powder way before but plant did ok. There is no stress or mutated growth. The SUPERTHRIVE way , I have done a few times before.

Experimenting is fun :smile:
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Well-Known Member not need plastic bags or domes for germination.........only clones need high humidity.........a wee bit of soil or coco personally i use jiffys and they give me over 90% success rate .......a decent cfl above and you will have the best start a seed could hope of luck..... not need plastic bags or domes for germination.........only clones need high humidity.........a wee bit of soil or coco personally i use jiffys and they give me over 90% success rate .......a decent cfl above and you will have the best start a seed could hope of luck.....
yeah but i didnt put the seed deep enough the root sticking up