Can I nip it in the bud?

4 beautiful plants got pollenated by a rogue hermie in it's 5th week of flower. Nice buds that turned male. Discovered it last night... pulled the male but there is tons of pollen on everything. The 4 new plants I added to the room the day after Christmas have only been in flower for 7 days, some white hairs are visible on only a few of the flower sites.
(see pics) The last pic in yellow is of the hermied whore who ruined my new years crop.

Question: Can I wash the pollen off the plants and prune off the few flowers that have pistils? Will this work or is the whole plant screwed?

Is it better to just dump these and take my losses rather than risk contaminating the next crop?

Someone with experience in this must have some sage advice. Hate to spend the electricity, nutes and space if they are going to be a waste of time or ruin the next crop... (did I just answer my own question).