Can I leave underdeveloped nugs on the plant to mature after cutting down main colas?


Active Member
I noticed I didn't take off the nugs that weren't going to receive that much light and they are a little underdeveloped. What would happen if I chopped of the parts of the colas and nugs that are done and left the popcorn nugs on there for a couple more days?


Well-Known Member
yes why not. I have done this in the past. I cut the main branches off. and the pop corn buds were not even close to being mature so I put it back into the flower room and waited 2 more weeks they fatten up a bit and got shiny


Active Member
I thought the plant would go through too much stress from having such a huge part it chopped off but now that I know other people have tried it i'll give it a go.


Well-Known Member
It is a good idea to go to your hardware store and get some tree pruning sealer. The upper colas when taken will leave a hollow tube in the remaining stem that will do great damage to your plant by allowing dry outside air into the interior as well as insects. A drop of sealer places over the hole will protect the plant from damage.


Well-Known Member
I did not bother to seal the hole up after cutting the plant. you can bend the stem over or put tape on it. im sure your pant is doing well. no matter what. its very hard to stress a plant you can put them through hell and back cutting on them, I have never stressed them.


Well-Known Member
All stems in seedling and veg stage are hollow. In flowering stage the stems are woody not hollow.


Well-Known Member
Done it and it worked a bit. Dropped the temps and all the popcorn turned purple! Made it easier to get rid of :):):) cant say it helped the quality much but they did get a bit heavier.


Well-Known Member
Most stems are not hollow!
Again I'm calling bullshit, many stems are hollow when you get down past the newer growth. Covering those holes is beneficial if you are going to takes some nugs and let others remain. Is there always a problem? Of course not but I have had a few plants wither within days of topping when they have hollow stems. I even take the precaution of treating the lower larger cuts when pruning for air flow. :fire: