can I go from hydro to soil?

I have brown slime alge and have spend days and days trying to control it with no luck so I tryed transplanting it net pot and all into a 5gal soil bucket!!! will this work or is it a lost cause


Well-Known Member
First off, the brown slime algae is caused by light getting into your rez. It has to be light tight or else you will always get algae since algae are plants too, and if no light gets in, no algae can grow.

I have been growing hydro for 2 years now with 5 successful harvests in that time, and I have never had algae problems.

Now as for your plant, it might stress it out a little and stunt its growth to be switched from the environment it was used to growing in, to a completely different growing medium. However it should live.


Active Member
yea. i had the same problem and now my plants doing fine in soil... its like a dwc/soil hybrid now


Active Member
I started my outdoor grow inside with rockwool cubes, then transplanted on the solstice directly into soil. Went out 4 days later and the plants showed no signs of stress. They might droop a little at first, but they adapt pretty quickly.
after it came the first time I made sure I was light proof (xxl roll of duct tape and foil) and I keped the water temps at 65 it rid of the slime for a week then it came back and its been a ongoing battle ever scince with res changes at least twice a week :/

I just hope my girls will have a better chance of actualy developing a root system in soil then it getting constintly destroyed in the dwc res :(


Well-Known Member
The hydro to soil transplant will work fine and maybe just cause a little stress. But if you started hydro, you probably did so for good reasons (higher yield, more explosive growth, etc). Think about going with Coco coir. While it looks more like soil it retains all the positives of hydro. And best of all, no algae with coco!
