Can i flower this yet?


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow. Using CFL. Just doing it kinda as an experiment to see if i can even do it. So far it seems to be going great. The plant looks great to me. Almost 4 weeks old from seed. Its kinda short tho. It has 8 nodes or set of leaves/branches/whatever its called coming from the main stem. It has a crazy amount of new growth on the bottom branches. Lots of new leaves coming up. Its turning into a jungle down there. What kind of a yield would be possible if i flowered now, with 9-23w 2700k? Should i wait another week? Im not looking for a huge yield. I just want to get this one plant done so i can start my next grow with more plants. If it keeps growing at this speed in veg then in a week it will have another 2-3-4 leaf sets.

I have a video of the plant going to youtube now, ill post that when its up.



Well-Known Member
well space isnt too much of a problem, i have a nice walk in closet im using. I just want to get this plant out of the veg lights and under the flower lights so i can get my new plants started. I wanna get prolly 3 more going. This one was mostly an experiment.


Well-Known Member
Looks good . I started flowering mine at 10" and after 3 1/2 weeks of flowering they are almost 3' tall now . I'm using 9 42w 2700k cfls. You can start to flower when ever you like . If your limited on space , go ahead and start flowering .


Well-Known Member
Well like i said its not really the space im worried about. I just want to get this plant done to i can start my next ones. I just want enough bud off this plant for a few joints. an 1/8th would be ok, a 1/4 would be even better.


Well-Known Member
don't let in veg for another 4 weeks, it'll grow too much, and cfls won't be enough to flower.

you can start flowering any time, keep in mind that it would double or triple in size while flowering. So, if you want to put the next batch of plants to veg, then you could put that one 12/12 now. It'll be great for you to see the whole process, hopefully a female, and then, let your next batch a little more in vegging.


Well-Known Member
the smallest one was a clone as soon as it rooted i put it on 12/12 for shits and giggles the bigger two were vegging for a month


Well-Known Member
i think one more week of veg will give you a good 25% increase in yield... that little one in the photo of the second post was put into flower straight from seed.... and that probably yielded 1/8-1/4... so if you flower in a week you could easily get between a quarter and a half oz


Well-Known Member
I just took the 6500k lights out and put in 5-23w 2700k. Im gonna have to go to the store and get a timer and prolly a 4 pack of more 2700k and some more y splitters. I just got all the lights changed and turned on at 6am so i guess ill have them on all day till 6pm then go into dark.


Well-Known Member
you can leave the other lights too!!!!! it won't bother at all.... the more the merrier!!!


Well-Known Member
i dont have anymore light sockets to put them in lol. The menards and walmart here both have been sold out of y splitters for a while now.


Well-Known Member
How does it work when you flower straight from seed? Can you tell the sex immediately or what? I'm curious as to how this all


Well-Known Member
Mistaphuck...I'm curious as to how many grams you got from all three of your plants together that you posted in this thread...that is dryed of course!!!!


Well-Known Member
nice plant :)
i would say wait a couple weeks if u can...and you shud have a plant 2-3times bigger hence more bud whe nu do flower :D
keep updated


Well-Known Member
nice plant :)
i would say wait a couple weeks if u can...and you shud have a plant 2-3times bigger hence more bud whe nu do flower :D
keep updated

Im flowering early because i am only growing one plant. This is my first grow and its sort of an experiment to see if i can do it. I want to get this one done so i can veg some more plants and grow prolly 3 plants next time. Im not really worried about how much bud ill get from it aslong as i can have a decent toke session and chill and say that i grew it.