Can I cut the useless leaves off.


Well-Known Member
How do you know they are useless? When the plant decides its useless it will discard it, so just let it do its thing.


Well-Known Member
Will cutting the useless leaves off while still in veg harm my plant.
I pluck some of the large fan leaves off in veg to slow down growth or control it better, the growth is stunted for about a week or a little longer until it recovers.
In general though a good rule of thumb is to leave the leaves alone. They are the solar panels for production.

- if you do however-

I highly recommended you know the strain you're growing before just plucking leaves off. When or if you do its only to slow down growth or for training such as bonsai.
I grew the same strain exclusively for almost a year straight before I started plucking leaves off. I know how she will react and adjust accordingly. I have a purple diesel that I plucked leaves off and she did not like it at ALL. She adjusted but it took over 3 weeks before she started growing again, she is doing great now but had I been relying on her I would have been in for a bumpy ride. So be careful.
In a tight SOG (4 plants per sq/ft) plucking leaves off is a must in flower but that is another subject.

Just my experience so take it with a grain a salt, shot of tequila, and a bag of chips.

Kush Killington

Well-Known Member
Depends on style of growth. I have plenty of "useless" leaves in my v-scrog. Thou useless is a poor word, more like in the way.
Don jus cut leaves off because yu've deemed them unnecessary. Your plant grew them for a reason.

Sir KK