can i clone now


so i had this sick plant i took some extra care and it seems to being doing well but i much rather clone it and have more then one i will be using a rooting hormone called Schultz Take Root rooting hormone powder and i want to try at least one with honey i heard it works the shoots are like a little over 3 in long so what would u do and please no throw it away it is all i got left so it is not an option



Well-Known Member
clone away, why not?

i never use any rooting hormone or anything really, just put them straight up into rapid rooters. 100% success rate.


Well-Known Member
i'd wait on cloning for a week or 2, that plant doesnt look like its recovered completely yet,. you will be able to get healthier cuttings and not mess up the mother as bad, patience my friend.......


Well-Known Member
I guess it many clones are you looking for? Judging from the pictures, I'd wait a little while if it's still improving in health.