Can I, and how should I, trim these ladies.. Need help!

These are my 4 main girls right now. Vegged for 6+ weeks, lil to long I know, and they're trained around tomato cages. But I've been untying them slowly as needed
My question,
They're 8 days into 12/12, can I trim them? Should I? I have about 9 inches of vertical height left, but the middles, are just completely leaf. It's everywhere haha. I'd love to clean them up, let the light in, and let them produce properly. They were trained hard in early veg and over half of the growth is side branding. The main stalk, is but a twisted reminder of days past lol.
Help me out here guys. Thanks alot. tmp_24275-20161118_065153_HDR-92606086.jpg tmp_24275-20161115_193036-1694589715.jpg


Well-Known Member
That's quite the jungle in there lol. I don't trim in flower but that's just me. You may have no choice if you're going to run out of room. I'll let someone else chime in on that.
Oh i hear you. It's at the point where moving leaves just isn't cutting it anymore. I try, I fail. They fight back. But I guess women have been thinking that they're right for billions of years already so who am I to argue haha

Yeah I've heard it's bad to trim, and I'm getting fuzzy heads even towards the edges and inside the plant, but it won't last I see it already.

I'd love to hear about people who have trimmed 10 days into flower, and had it help. Cmon guys.. Thanks