Can headlice affect my crop???


Well-Known Member
I didn't even know what Sevin was until I googled it. Seems like pretty potent shit -->

[h=2]Applications[/h] The development of the carbamate insecticides has been called a major breakthrough in pesticides. The carbamates do not have the persistence of chlorinated pesticides. Although toxic to insects, carbaryl is detoxified and eliminated rapidly in vertebrates. It is neither concentrated in fat nor secreted in the milk. For the latter reasons, carbaryl is favored for food crops, at least in the US.[SUP][1][/SUP] It is the active ingredient in Carylderm shampoo used to combat head lice until infestation is eliminated.
[h=3]Risk[/h] Carbaryl kills both targeted (e.g. malaria-carrying mosquitos) and beneficial insects (e.g. honeybees), as well as crustaceans.
Although approved for more than 100 crops in the US, carbaryl is illegal in several countries, including the United Kingdom, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Iran, Germany, and Angola.[SUP][3][/SUP]
Carbaryl is often produced using methyl isocyanate (MIC) as an intermediary. A leak of MIC used in the production of carbaryl caused the Bhopal disaster, the largest industrial accident in history. This accident caused around 11,000 deaths and over 500,000 injuries.


Well-Known Member
About sevin . A guy sold me a bag long ago . Was possibly the best weed ld smoked at that t ime. It had a strange after taste and a powder at the bottom of the bag after I'd handled it some. Shit gave me a severe headache . I know without a doubt it was the sevin and when I questioned the guy he kinda had the same reaction this pro sevin dude on this thread has. I took his nasty ass chem laden bag back.
DUDES!!! I HAVENT GOT HEADLICE!!! THE KIDS DO now i think i have the answers i need if they cant live on my weed plants then im ok now stop arguing over whos been growing weed the longest jeeeez -.-

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
I've probably been growing since before you were born and Sevin has been and will probably always be used to keep bug's off of the organic's that you eat.Do a little research before you make ignorant comment's.By week six of flower bug's cant survive on my bud and the sevin is no longer needed.There is no dust left by the time harvest comes.If you dont like my opinion dont use it.I'll remember you .......
You are clearly a completely inept gardener if you feel that Sevin is safe at any time. Remember me too assholio 'cause I'm gonna be following you around this site warning people after you've posted your dangerous advise.


Active Member
My iq has dropped while reading this thread
Ha ha ha.I know what you mean.

edit...Sevin dust is pretty effective and is used to control a wide variety of pests, including moths, beetles, cockroaches, ants, ticks, and mosquitoes. It is however toxic to humans and a suspected carcinogen because it increased tumors in mice.
Because it is a carbamate, it is easily metabolized in the body if ingested. It kills beneficial insects along with the targeted crowd. It has a reputation of wiping out whole colonies of bees. A small amount of bees take it back to the colony and wipe out the others. It is banned in several countries.

wouldn't want that on my grow.. Plus is that a mod threatening people? I will remember you? Because they disagreed with something someone else said?wow just wow


Well-Known Member
Are you in flower? cause those little beasties love to munch on some bud :)
That is the biggest blast of horse shit I have heard today. Thanks for the belly laugh.

NO! They will not hurt your plant. They are human head lice, right? They won't even visit your fucking crotch. You cannot get lice from hogs because human head lice, well, they fucking live on the heads of humans. Hence the name.


Well-Known Member
You have to take a test just to get a learners permit to drive. There should be a test to keep imbeciles off the internet. HUMAN LICE AFFECT HUMANS ONLY!!!!!! Yet some dickhead will be along after this proclaiming he or his equally retarded "friend" have had them destroy a crop of pound-per-plant superweed.


Well-Known Member
You have to take a test just to get a learners permit to drive. There should be a test to keep imbeciles off the internet. HUMAN LICE AFFECT HUMANS ONLY!!!!!! Yet some dickhead will be along after this proclaiming he or his equally retarded "friend" have had them destroy a crop of pound-per-plant superweed.
Some of the questions asked here. I sometimes wonder if weed does make people stupid.