Can democracy work if the average person isnt intellectual?


Well-Known Member
intellectual is a bad ford for the context.
informed would be a better word.
being able to read helps, but isn't absolutely necessary.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why we have to wait so long for things to happen/change in today's world.


Well-Known Member
Democracy is a flawed system and people need to stop pushing for democracy in the U.S. and for the U.S. spreading democracy, it is a real problem in this country, the schools try to teach that we are a democracy and that democracy is great- we need to start following the constitution.


Well-Known Member
Democracy is a system where the opinion of two idiots is more valued than the opinion of one genius.
I don't believe democracy exists anywhere in the world.


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first i reported your post, and then i typed the link into my address bar to make sure it was of zero help to you.

as for the op, i agree with the guy who said informed rather than intellectual.