can anyone tell me whats wrong


It looks very similar to a lot of pictures that illustrate what happens to plants when they get burned due to too much nutrients.
-How much nutrient solution are you using?
-Did the soil have nutrients in it to begin with?
-Did you change any of the growing conditions?


Active Member
I was useing 24 8 16 about a mounth ago. And I'm useing organic potting mix and I witched it to 12 12 today do u think I should keep it on 18/6 till it gets better or does it matter


When I said burning, I was talking about the browning on the leaves. Nutrients are good but too much will cause what's know as nutrient burn.
As far as your schedule for light and dark time, it depends what stage the plants are in. Judgeing from the pictures they're in the vegetative state and need 18 hours light, 6 hours dark. Once you get the plants basically to the size you want, you change your lighting to 12/12 to force the plants to flower. Increasing the dark time replicates the short days of fall, causing the plant to flower aka produce bud.


Well-Known Member
why did you pull those leaves off? it only had couple to start with. keep going with 18/6 because if u go 12/12 ,youll get sweet fuck all.