Can anyone just let me know if I'm doing right

Hi, i have started a new grow and i have germinated seeds and planted them in Coco and everything was going to plan but i couldn't get my hands on a fan for the first 2 weeks when the plants where in the big pots and growing. So now it has been 3 weeks and my 2 plants are tiny/small and i have now put a fan in the grow room on the floor to try and make the stems stronger and watering every week (half litre of water per plant) but the stems are still thin but the plants are standing up. I have 1 125watt Blue CFL bulb, desk fan and plants in coco. Is everything okay or am i missing something?


Well-Known Member
Cut down on the water till soil looks dry ish, shouldn't be drinking that much under cfl unless you have high temperature.
I have a 4 week seedling stands at 4'' under 100w cfl, uses 250ml of water per week.
Also.. what distance do you have your light from the plant? cfls can go as close as is comfortable to your skin.
Temp everyday is normally 74f and but does raise to about 78f sometimes, not sure on the humidity. I only gave them 2 nuts feed but at 1/4 strength but not sure I'm doing the right thing by giving nuts to the plants. At the moment i am only giving the plants 1/2 a litre of water per week, the fan is drying the coco quite first. Thanks for the reply
So would it be better to give the plants less then half a litre? and the cfl is about 4inches above the plants. I will also move the fan too


Well-Known Member
that distance for the light is perfect.
do you have a picture?
know what the strain is?
I wouldn't defiantly cut down there water intake, coco holds a lot of water keep an eye on em and get a feel for when there not happy (drooping) get a feel for the coco conditions. not dusty dry, but not dripping wet. definatly keep up with 1/4 mix nutrients, if there yellowing then up it to 1/2 strength. coco doesn't hold a lot of its own nutrients like soil does, so you have to get going with your correct working mix fastish. ive grown with coco before and found it to be like a semi-auto version of hydroponics in the basis of the amount of water and nutrients you go through and the nutrient accuracy.
Well the seeds are x1 White Widow x Bud bud and x1 kryptonite and both are sativa, also as you can see some of the leafs at the tips are going yellow/brown,WIN_20150315_185350.JPGWIN_20150315_185541.JPG WIN_20150315_185608.JPG


Well-Known Member
dude they look fine. I think the problem started with the size of your pots, they would have to push the roots further before going up. give them a week or two and they should be looking dandy. as there in coco I wouldn't suggest transplanting to smaller pots as this could damage the roots as the coco fibres pulled apart. keep it up. keep posting pics. :)


Well-Known Member
p.s ... more lights too :) as a rule of thumb. try to get 30-40watts of cfl power per square foot and add more as it grows. the top end is 60watts per square foot ;)
Well at the moment there in a 3ft x 2ft space and i have a 12 watt blue CFL, just a bit put off as i only put a fan in there 1 week ago. Thanks for the advice :) I have also move the fan so it isn't pointing at the plants. Also is the yellow/brown tips a problem or is it just over watering?



Well-Known Member
yellow brown tips I found to be too much nitrogen in my water. maybe dull down the nutrients to every other or every 3rd watering for now. if its the whole leaf that's pale and its starting from the new growth out then you haven't enough nitrogen.