Can anyone explain why marijuana can't be patented?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about the DIN and such, but I know there is some quirky rule/law about it. Otherwise some big pharma company would have done it already.


Well-Known Member
I dunno....can you patent a Mallard duck???...kin you patent a Pine tree????...can you patent gold???...all natural you intervene and create a synthetic Pine tree...I could see a patent sticking...just my .02



Well-Known Member
If you read the the entire page I posted it will make more sense
Or I should hope so
Its perfectly reasonable to patent something you've worked your life creating..
Many fruits have been patented...and for good well deserved people


Well-Known Member
An off-hand response (guess) would be that there has not been enough documented research on the genetic markers in good weed, plus it's illegal. You can damn well be assured Monsanto has their ducks in a row on this one. Just too controversial at this date.

I'm not a sky is falling doomist, but watch Food Inc. (documentary) and you can see what we'll be dealing with in 10 years. Actually now this is happening but they will sticking it to the MJ industry as soon as they are able.


Active Member
I thought that when a nursery took cuttings of a particular cultivar of say geranium they were obliged to pay a patent fee of some sort. It amounted to pennies per plant but added up, I'm sure to the breeder.

Will cannabis cultivars come with a patent price too? I don't know if that was what the fee is/was called, only that it was based on the specific cultivar, in this case flower color, and was 2-3 pennies for each successful cutting sold.

That is what I understood was happening for geraniums, pointsettias, and a few other easy to propagate species, throughout the greenhouse industry. Anybody know any more, or can you correct my understanding of what this was? Not a DIN #, but as a grower this would be something to know and understand too.