can any one tell me whats wrong with my plants


Well-Known Member
these plants have been in veg for about two months from seed, im not shure of the strain but im sure that it has strong skunk carictoristics. there watered every other day with 1/4 strength nutes. flushed every week. ph runs around 5.5 to 7 from run off. right now im useing 6-23watt cfl on the red spec. one blue spec.

and i think one is a male but im not shure because i havent started 12/12 yet. im including some pics.

i can take more if needed.



Well-Known Member
I would highly suggest you stop watering and feeding so much. water, water, feef, water, water, feed or water, feed, water, feed-and I would space out my waterings too-they look unhealthy and unhappy


Active Member
I agree with the other posters - too many nutrients. Try only giving water to the girls for a week and see if the hawks claw goes away.

NYC Diesel

New Member
First pic definitely looks like a dude. Females dont just sprout balls.Now its too late, but during vegetative stage u want more blue spectrum lights than red. Too late to fix that now but try to work that in for enxt grow. Like everybody else is saying, dont use nutrients every time you water, the nutrients could br building up in the leaves. And id water less often for now and give the roots a chance to breath. go about that for a week or two and see how the plant shapes up. if it still is like that id consult the plant problems and cures sticky.


Well-Known Member
thanks my peeps
im gona start flower soon. probly this week. then ill know for sure. i thought that it was a male or hermi.
im trying to get the plants healthy so i can clone off them. it looked like a nute problem to me but im by no means a expert grower.
most times i dont have any problems during veg. useing the same way and this is the first problem ive had during veg.
thanks all and ill let you know how it goes

Brick Top

New Member
I have to agree with what most people have said. I think you have over watered your plants and also over fed them. It looks like a case of killing them with kindness to me. Try watering a little less often and do not feed every watering.

While I have never had a plant show its sex before the 12/12 light cycle I would say that first picture/plant has to be a male so unless you want beans yank it or at least separate it to some safe area if you want to keep it for breeding purposes but get it away from that might turn out to be gals before it is to late and you put them into flower and get them knocked up.

Also as was said you do not need, or even want, a mixed light spectrum in either vegging or flowering. I know some people believe in it but I say give the plants the highest amount of light spectrum they need for each cycle of growth and as little of any others as is possible. Adding red light spectrum to vegging can cause unwated or at least additional vertical growth when more blue would result in less vertical growth and a thicker fully shorter plant. They will grow rapidly enough and tall enough once in flower that you do not need any additional height while vegging and getting it, depending on your setup, might result in you running our of space/height or having to raise your lights so high that the lower portions of your plants really suffer later dud to lack of light so you end up with little to no production from the lower portions of your plants and at best often times will only get a bunch of popcorn when you might otherwise have smallish but still at least partially firm buds.

Depending on your heat and humidity levels one thing you may want to try it placing a small fan by your plants and blowing through them. Unless you have very cool temperatures and high humidity doing that will increase the transpiration rate of your plants and suck moisture from them and the ground drying things out faster so if to much moisture is your problem that will speed up the fix. The air blowing on the plants will also cause them to sway and that will make them grow thicker stems so later when the bud and branch weight increase your stems will be stronger and more capable of supporting the weight.


Well-Known Member
Well, This should be under a different secton of the forum.
But for 2 month old plants they do not look that well.

You should be using Cool White CFL's 6500k spectrum for vegetive.(keep them withing 3 - 6 inches of the plants top)
Not the 2700k. (red) They are for flowering.

You need to water less, maybe set out a weekly plan.
Monday : Water + some nutrients
Tuesday :
Wednesday : Water
Thursday :
Friday : Water + some nutrients
Saturday :
Sunday : Light watering if soil is dry(if not wait till monday)

Or something like that.

But for 2 months old your plants are very small and look like they want to have a stroke.

I would ditch them and start over, and just use the experiences to make it bigger and better.


Well-Known Member
ok im going to update this.
ive tryed the following stoped watering every second day now im watering onece a week, ive changed to a three gallon pot. added a humidafier. and have gave them nothing but water ph to 6.5 runoff 7.0 temp 75 hu 50% and i still have bad curling (eagle claw as someone described it ) and the leaves have a leather texture and dark green. any ideas


Active Member
i see no bud and no crystals
and only seeds
its deffinitley a male dude
if you dont see buds on your plant within a 6 to 8 week period then its a male
sorry for the bad newz
they would be nice if they were female


Well-Known Member
Have you got any updated pics? I have to agree with most on here that the first pics look like it was overwatered. I also wonder if you have proper drainage in your pots. The old leaves might not recover but how is the new growth since replanting? Good luck!


Well-Known Member
i dont have any recent pics due to time restrants, but i will work on that soon for a pic update.
its just weird that every time i try and grow in soil this happens this curling thing. any way im going to run down what i have going on so that everyone is on the same page in a matter of speaking.

reg potting soil , pearl lite, hydrotion pellets in a three gallon pot with 4 nice sized hole at the bottom.

6-23 watt cfl 5-red spec. 1-blue spec.

before was like 80-85 and 23%hum. ive corrected threw adding ventlation to 72deg 50%hum.

food and ph
im useing age old organic nutes at 1/2oz per gal. .5Ml superthrive 1/2 tbles epsom salt and ph to 6.5 for nutes and flush water and any other watering includeing misting. the runoff ph reads at 7.0 nutes once a week flushed every two

and the pics are on there way. i dont have this problem when i grow hydro just in soil. i thought that have less of a head ach growing in soil. was i ever wrong.


Well-Known Member
here's some updated pics that i promised
i tryed to show a lil of everything. if there's a pic that you need to see let me know and ill get it, if your going to attempt to help me with the problem that im haveing
thanks in advance.

