Can a male pollinate a hermie?


Active Member
so i have a dutch passion blueberry hermie, and a male that i havent killed yet out of my northern lights batch. pulled both out of the grow room to kick it outside. can i let my male pollinate my herm? or should i pluck all the balls off the herm and then pollinate with the male N.L.? Or should i just kill them both, lol?


Well-Known Member
Let the herm pollinate itself and you will have all female seeds, they might have a slightly higher chance to herm out on you. I would be curious (if I where you) why it hermied on you. Kill the males f1 crosses are garbage for the most part and unstable. JR


Active Member
it was a crazy weird plant. on like the 3rd node it just stopped growing at the main shoot with a nutty set of leaves, then a new main-stem shot up from the node below like two days later. weird mutant plant....


Active Member
yea fo sho. my wife likes it though, said she don't giva fuck if there's beans...... to which i reply.......all hermies........ must die..........