Calmag deficiency?


Well-Known Member
Whats up everyone, back again with something new that popped up out of no where and hit quick. Quick background I germed in a paper towel and started out in solo cups with FFOF soil.

Fast forward and we’re going on a couple weeks old now and a couple bottom leaves appeared like this within the last 24-48 hours.

Pulled the plants out of the solo cups and the roots look good and plentiful so I decided to transplant into 5 gal smart pots with fresh FFOF soil. Watered them and am waiting to see if the problem gets better or worse. Before I watered them I PH tested it and to my surprise the water I’ve been giving them read 7 and I thought it was 6.3-6.5 so I put it down to 6.5 and re tested with my blue lab pen.

