Calling You Out Canada


Staff member
LOL fuck i hate harper..................

His new "softer" look includes an open collar so he "seems" approachable and lets not forget the kittens.....

Lets just say i have not voted in a few years ;) lol
fuck harper hes a fucking retard i hate conservative party


Active Member
fuck harper hes a fucking retard i hate conservative party
Does Canada have a conservative and liberal party like us? I guess i would assume they do but i never really thought about Canadian politics.

What does there conservative party do that's so bad to make you "HATE" it?


Staff member
Does Canada have a conservative and liberal party like us? I guess i would assume they do but i never really thought about Canadian politics.

What does there conservative party do that's so bad to make you "HATE" it?
we have NDP, Liberal and conservative, we also have minor parties like the green party
conservative are just inside the box thinkers, im a big activist for gay rights and they dislike gays, and dont think they should be married, conservatives are also for war in general and would rather out troops be solders and not peace keepers, everything they stand for i hate but those are just two of the main things i dont like, the reason conservative usually wins is because the NDP party and the Liberal party are so close together with minor differences that the votes get too split up and conservative usually wins, its just shitty


Pickle Queen
we have NDP, Liberal and conservative, we also have minor parties like the green party
conservative are just inside the box thinkers, im a big activist for gay rights and they dislike gays, and dont think they should be married, conservatives are also for war in general and would rather out troops be solders and not peace keepers, everything they stand for i hate but those are just two of the main things i dont like, the reason conservative usually wins is because the NDP party and the Liberal party are so close together with minor differences that the votes get too split up and conservative usually wins, its just shitty
Smart and perdy, see why canuck chicks are truly the best the world has to offer ;)

I hate having to pick between a dick and an asshole, so i decided not to vote over the past few years :( I just can't vote for the person i dislike the least, seems wrong.


Active Member
Smart and perdy, see why canuck chicks are truly the best the world has to offer ;)

I hate having to pick between a dick and an asshole, so i decided not to vote over the past few years :( I just can't vote for the person i dislike the least, seems wrong.
That is exactly how i feel, but people give me sooooo much crap for not voting. but i hate to feel like i assisted someone that i disagree with in so many ways.

I kinda like the way the US solved the gay marriage issue, just let each state decide for itself. That's the only way to make everyone happy. A huge part of me wishes we were still the United States of America rather then just Murica', i can see great benefits of allowing each state to customize itself to fit the preferences of its population.
I think the idea of a massive all controlling federal government is a large part of what is causing the major issues in Murica'. We are all different and there is no way such different people can be happy bending there lifes so much to fit the will of so many others. I think we would all be a lot happier it we were not forced to submit to the combined will of 52 states, but rather could decide locally how things here need to be.

the only issue i have with the gay rights movement in Murica' atm is the same issue most of you say you have with Christianity. I fully support equal rights in every way, but i get so fucking tired of it being fucking thrown it my face every time i turn around and trying to force acceptance on everyone. not matter what the issue is there will be people who feel diffidently, and that's ok, it's their right, and the more you try to force yourself on them the more they will despise you for it, just like everyone on here says about Christianity.

Its like how people are so outraged at that guy in Alabama for holding a whites only meeting. but then the article right next to it is about a white kid who won a black only scholarship accidently, and people were pissed at the kid for applying for it when he wasn't black.

similarly i used to be pro-life, but found no way to make a solid argument for it dew to the fact i could never find common ground with pro-choicer's. One of their strongest arguments was the fact that it is the girl who bares the burden of everything up until birth. And physically speaking that's true. Now all i ask for is equal rights for men, i think we should have the same period to relinquish our rights and ties to the child. atm our whole lifes are in the hands of the woman, she can deny us a child that is half our work, or she can force us to pay her the next 18 years. It is in no way fair or equal. Men diverse the same right to withdraw from parenthood within a reasonable period just as women have. 18 years is just as long for a man to be fucked over as it is for a woman.
I had to give up on the pro-life debate, now i simply ask for equality.


Pickle Queen
That is exactly how i feel, but people give me sooooo much crap for not voting. but i hate to feel like i assisted someone that i disagree with in so many ways.

I kinda like the way the US solved the gay marriage issue, just let each state decide for itself. That's the only way to make everyone happy. A huge part of me wishes we were still the United States of America rather then just Murica', i can see great benefits of allowing each state to customize itself to fit the preferences of its population.
I think the idea of a massive all controlling federal government is a large part of what is causing the major issues in Murica'. We are all different and there is no way such different people can be happy bending there lifes so much to fit the will of so many others. I think we would all be a lot happier it we were not forced to submit to the combined will of 52 states, but rather could decide locally how things here need to be.

the only issue i have with the gay rights movement in Murica' atm is the same issue most of you say you have with Christianity. I fully support equal rights in every way, but i get so fucking tired of it being fucking thrown it my face every time i turn around and trying to force acceptance on everyone. not matter what the issue is there will be people who feel diffidently, and that's ok, it's their right, and the more you try to force yourself on them the more they will despise you for it, just like everyone on here says about Christianity.

Its like how people are so outraged at that guy in Alabama for holding a whites only meeting. but then the article right next to it is about a white kid who won a black only scholarship accidently, and people were pissed at the kid for applying for it when he wasn't black.

similarly i used to be pro-life, but found no way to make a solid argument for it dew to the fact i could never find common ground with pro-choicer's. One of their strongest arguments was the fact that it is the girl who bares the burden of everything up until birth. And physically speaking that's true. Now all i ask for is equal rights for men, i think we should have the same period to relinquish our rights and ties to the child. atm our whole lifes are in the hands of the woman, she can deny us a child that is half our work, or she can force us to pay her the next 18 years. It is in no way fair or equal. Men diverse the same right to withdraw from parenthood within a reasonable period just as women have. 18 years is just as long for a man to be fucked over as it is for a woman.
I had to give up on the pro-life debate, now i simply ask for equality.
In regards to mens rights , they have the right to wrap that shit up or not stick it in and blow. Whatever happens inside a womens body afterwards is up to her.
No man will ever tell me his parental rights trump mine if i'm the one actualy growing this child inside me.

Unlike a man women can't run away and take time to decide if they want to be part of the childs life, so since u can't grow one ur rights are limited until the child is born, then both parents have equal rights, well kinda. I think men( if not in a relationship with the women) should have to pay for half of all things related to pregnancy, like doctor visists, new clothes etc if they want equal parental rights.

LOL ok i'm gonna stop my rant lol