Calling all newbs.... caling all newbs


Active Member
just went and took a few more pics this fckin mold is everywhere it must be a airborne contaminant almost passed out by the smell when i went in there
Dude! I'm not joking man! If the smell you are smelling smells a bit like a smelly smell that could possibly resemble a small, french, horny, woodland creature that is a dead giveaway of the highly toxic and rampant polyfunkonormousdankified MOOOOOLD!!!! GET OUT BEFORE YOU START FEELING THE SYMPTOMS OF THE POLYFUNK!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Dude! I'm not joking man! If the smell you are smelling smells a bit like a smelly smell that could possibly resemble a small, french, horny, woodland creature that is a dead giveaway of the highly toxic and rampant polyfunkonormousdankified MOOOOOLD!!!! GET OUT BEFORE YOU START FEELING THE SYMPTOMS OF THE POLYFUNK!!!!!!!!!
What strain ya smokin???


Well-Known Member
Every time I see someone type that It makes me think of the sound a turkey makes. I'm starting to think I smoked to much..... mold. :D
hahaahhaha meeee toooo!!!!!! hey did you pass the drug test to be a certified mold tech? i couldnt find any babies to go pee for me so i didnt take my certification... will the police help me pass??


Active Member
hahaahhaha meeee toooo!!!!!! hey did you pass the drug test to be a certified mold tech? i couldnt find any babies to go pee for me so i didnt take my certification... will the police help me pass??
Certainly they will! Go ask your local, friendly law enforcement officer to kindly urinate in a cup for you. When he sprays you with pepper spray that's cop for "I totally approve of your lifestyle choices and I hope you pass the test."