Call me Green


New Member
Hello my handle is Greenthumb but just call me Green for short.

I think I have Greenthumb as everything I grow outside in my yard seems to do fine. I am heavy into organics and natural things so much I still pull yard weeds by hand. So I thought I would try my luck at indoor growing one of my favorites herbs.

I'm going to post some pictures of my little scrog grow. I have this going since March 4th or there shouts with some bag seeds I saved. My total area is about 20 inches by 30 inches with some height but not a lot call it 40 inches of height to work with.

Where should I post those pictures at?

Thank you,


New Member
Greetings Green...
(And you may call me Brown ;) jk) Even I like the natural ways.. (I had grown a semi-indoor plant by just watering it daily, nothing else and got a nice potent yield.)
I think for the pictures you may use the Indoor Growing sub-section of the Grow Room section. Create a thread and let us know the updates.. :)
