Cali's 09 outdoor


Well-Known Member
i know its a little late to start an outdoor journal but what the heck. i planted this plant back in may, but left her in a small one gallon pot up until 2 weeks ago. she started indoor where she was sexed and then hardened off. I left her in a pot because of such an early start, went outdoor on 5/1/09. The woods wasnt really filled in so i kept switiching her spots, now i have her in a 3 foot deep hole along with half a fish burried. i backfilled with some goat/cow manue and some compost. I have done alot of lsting to her. She was only topped once and has many shoots. She has just started to grow asymmetrical branching. So within a week or two we should see some small flowers.

hope eveyone enjoys the show. comments are welcome. let me know what you think. heres a couple recent pics...



Well-Known Member
to get rid of bugs i bought a repelent from walmart works great can be used up till a day before harvest its meant for vegetables. i only use it when it gets really bad but besides the bugs feeding on your plants shes looking pretty good dude. keep it up


Well-Known Member
to get rid of bugs i bought a repelent from walmart works great can be used up till a day before harvest its meant for vegetables. i only use it when it gets really bad but besides the bugs feeding on your plants shes looking pretty good dude. keep it up

thats where i bought mine from. i grabbed some stuff called seven ready to use. worked awesome and havnt had to re spray them. once i get off my lazy ass im going to get some new pics now that she is just starting to flower...but have you ever sprayed insect repellent direct onto the buds?


Well-Known Member
They look alot better from the last time. I trimmed all the dead and infected leaves off, sprayed here with insectiside and gave her the TLC she deserved. and of course the first time in her life she has been having 8hrs of direct sun daily

Cant really tell but each group of leaves is a top. Each is at least 3 nodes high


Well-Known Member
Things have started to get interesting. My sativa is growing pink pistils so im excited to see how the bud is. The entire plant is filling up with leaves and growing every day. She has only been flowering for about a week, but im just going to take it week by week. I should upload pics either tomorow or monday. I will just keep it to a once a week picture update.


Well-Known Member
awsome plant. good luck with your grow. cant wait to see finished product.
thanks man, you and me both haha. its gonna be one hell of a wait but it will be worth it for sure

She is starting to flower pretty heavily and popping out more and more pistils. Around half the hairs are pink/purple and it smells like a skunk just walked by. here ya go...these pics are from sunday so just a couple days behind

i looked at them today and they got alot deeper in color


Well-Known Member
As predicted this slow flowering sativa is creeping along. Not that major of a change since the last update, but still an improvement. I am noticing crystals forming each day and the hairs are a nice purple color. The smell is skunk/fruit and it smells delicious. Anyways here are some pics. Let me know what you think of my girl.



Well-Known Member
I have been growing a clone and a personal strain inside. Both females and just starting to flower. The untopped plant is starting to fill in and looking super healthy. My clone has been lstd and has around 7-10 bud sites. She has been in 12/12 since cut and is around a month old.

My outdoor sativa is starting to fill in. I need to give her a quick insect spray, but thats no problem. She is crystalizing pretty good for a plant only 4 weeks in. The pistils are still turning purple and have a very dark color. You can tell from about 10 feet away lol. Lookin healthy and she probably has another 6-8 weeks to go...



Well-Known Member
hah.. guess i didnt look at this.

lookin good tho, lots of sticky comin ur way!
haha thats what im hoping for. if they dont finish em intime im going to get a 10 gallon pot and dig them out and finish them inside under a 400w hps lol. i have a pc grow going but ive been using it as a expiremental box. ive made my own bagseed strain and stuff like that. how long do u think your sativa is gonna take to finish


Well-Known Member
haha thats what im hoping for. if they dont finish em intime im going to get a 10 gallon pot and dig them out and finish them inside under a 400w hps lol. i have a pc grow going but ive been using it as a expiremental box. ive made my own bagseed strain and stuff like that. how long do u think your sativa is gonna take to finish
nice, sounds good. that bitch sativa i think is gonna take a looong time, its budding but really slowly. i think late november maybe even early december.


Well-Known Member
unfortunately we have had a rain storm all day and they didnt seemed to be damaged at all. I shook most of the water off but im hoping the pull tight and become really dense. I took a clone and seen how fat the calyxs swell once mature. im thinking i might pull a decent harvest off of her. the other plants in the pot are growing very good. the untopped one is turining into a mini christmas tree and should be 3 feet when mature. the weather looks good for the next week or 2 so i shouldnt have a frost. to finish them im gonna find a 10 gallon pot and dig as much roots as i can up. its starting to get cold, but im gonna wait till the last minute to dig them up. i will add some pictures tomorrow or tuesday


Well-Known Member
tomorrow is the start of the fifth week of flowering. having another rain storm tonight. hopefully i can get out there tomorrow and snap some pictures. for now i thought i would post a nice pic of how tasty shes looking. with alot of nice purpling. cant wait till she starts swelling and maturing:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
boy do these things look good, not that much bud size but im not in it for money or weight. just some high quality smoke. but overall no complications or problems
with bugs. i cant wait till i get to bring these inside and let the 400w hps do the work. welcome to comments and questions.

one more pink/purple pistil plant =D

some nice lst

nice n' sticky. and DANK!!!!



Well-Known Member
with the weather getting like it is the time has come! i dug these 2 girls up and transplanted them into a recycling bin. i also transplanted my other two outdoor plants into a bigger pot. there is alot of purpling now and quite an ammount of trichromes. the smell is very sweet and smells alot like a fruity candy. I dont believe i shocked them too bad, but it was either have them be in transplant shock or die. i figure another 5 weeks to go. but i am going to add pictures on tuesday.