California Attorney General Says Feds Should Show Restraint in Medical Marijuana Crac


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California attorney general says feds should show restraint in medical marijuana crackdown

It looks like a voice of reason has emerged. This after weeks of ramping up negative sentiment against medical marijuana people.

If the Feds are reacting to public opinion then this is akin to a Father telling his teenage daughter not to date some guy because he doesn't approve. The net result of such an act is potentially getting that guy as the Son in Law.
With closing down "dispensaries" and "Clubs" the Federal effort seems to have raised solidarity throughout this Country.

Here is a link to an article about Ms. Harris explaining that the other attorneys should not push this too far.
The Associated Press is now making it clear they do not want their stories shared so please follow the link to read how the California Attorney General is bringing this crackdown into California focus.