Calcium Hypoclorite (pool shock) do you use it ?


Active Member
why are you running nutes in your cloner? Also if your running nutes and not setting the ph of your water then the plant cant absorb it anyways. I had a problem with my aero- cloner getting 0% success. I started running the pump 24 hours with no ph adjusted RO, dosing with the hypo chloritite every sunday and wed. now have 100% success with roots so white they make your teeth jealous.

Read the above link posted by RED. Im sure there are plenty of solutions to your problem I am just speaking on what worked for me. If you search for rumpleforeskin he has a thread dedicated to helping people get there cloners back working.


Active Member
That was he thread i read weeks ago on the pool shock ... are you using this in a aerocloner OR rez . I was wondering how well it might work in a 60 gallon rez connected to a ebb n flo bucket system ....


Well-Known Member
Both. I would keep the concentration very low if you're using it in a cloner because I've killed clones this way. The stems die, turn a very pale green, and hollow out if you use too much. If you're having infection problems in your cloner like I did, I would give it a good thorough cleaning before putting anything in it. I filled mine with water then dumped in about a half a bottle of isopropyl alcohol and ran it for an hour (with no clones in there obviously). Then dumped it out and did the same thing with a good concentration of the homemade clear rez. After an hour of that, I filled it with plain RO water and ran it for another 30 min just to get any residual alcohol or clear rez out. If you're tap water isn't clean, use RO water otherwise you'll be defeating the purpose of what you just did. Then set up your cloner as usual and stick your clones in. Should be fine.

I do my cloning in a way that most don't so I might not be the person to ask, but yes I do use nutes in my cloner at around 350 ppm. It'll work fine for ebb and flow. In fact you should be using something, be it the clear rez or H2O2, because ebb and flow is a communal system unlike DWC, so if you have an infected plant, it could spread to other root systems unless you keep things sanitary. Hope this helps!


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Staff member
In my Mini Turbokloner I use simple pH'ed tap water (with the chlorine). I change it out every other day so by the time the chlorine evaporates I add more. The only other fluid in my cloner is KLN from Dyna Gro.

I used to use a fairly involved, bizarre, (cutting, re-cutting under water with a razor, scraping off some of the cambium layer, trimming leaves and then dipping in Clonex etc...), clone taking ritual. Now I simply snip (with sharp scissors from the plant), put it in it's neoprene collar and put in the cloner, seven days later, beautiful bright white roots.

I am now running soiless but back when I ran in an NFT chamber I used tap water. My plants are no different with RO or Tap. I've run them to flower now both ways with no perceptible (to me), variation. Hydro doesn't really benefit from microbes. You see with organic you are setting up a biological zone surrounding the roots where the microbes produce nutrient right at the root zone. But in hydro there's no place for those organisms to setup shop and do this for you. So to me it never made much sense. It would have simply blocked off my top feeder tubes (I place top lines until the roots hit the bottom of the NFT chamber.

I'm sure others have many different opinions and experiences but for what it's worth that's mine.


Active Member
Yeah i'm about to try my second run in my turboKloner .. first run was a flop , used clonex gel and solution, mild dose, stocks got slimy looking .. this time i will try it without the gel ... maybe just the solution with some pond-zyme ..or roots excel with pond-zyme , or i may try the C.hypoclorite ... not sure yet . I find trying to keep temp down in rez is a pain so might go with the CH ..then it doesn't matter if rez temps are 78% , prolly wouldn't matter with the pond-zyme either i guess .


Active Member
I have a question for the bucket ebb n flo guys ... its been a week and i am barley seeing any signs of growth ... they haven't green'd up yet . Using 10" net pots with hydrocorn in 5 gal buckets , clones were in 1"rockwool cubes with 1" roots protruding or better when set in hydrocorn , using GH flora @ 300 - 400 ppm . and water temps from 68 -71 dr , 2 1000watt MH lights about 4 feet overtop the buckets . Flooding every 2 hours @ 18/6 with only one flood @ dark period . Watering from top by hand a few times a day also . Just wondering if growth is always this slow at first with these systems ?? I realize once roots get down out of the net pots that they will explode but its been a week with hardly any signs of growth ,,:(


Well-Known Member
Is the only type of pool shock I can use hth shock and swim. Can I not use aqua chem shock plus.