

Active Member
Ever have the police or a landlord come stomp on your happiness? Post you Expeirience in hopes it may help another keep stealthin it.:hump:


Active Member
oh dude my landlord gave me a weeks notice they were stopping by, said they need some things from the crawl space which is RIGHT next to the room im using. i didnt have a carbon filter, NOTHING, i was freaking out. i thought my neighbors called them and said they smelled pot or something. i was so paranoid and all my venting was in a closet RIGHT IN THE WAY of the crawl space. all they had to do was open the door and see 2 holes in the wall with ducting and some fans. i quickly made a diy filter luckily it worked! then i put my dogs in the room the plants where in since i used a tent and closet (ive got 2 big dogs, one bullmastiff and an american bulldog) they bark non stop when people come in and they cant greet them at the door hehe perfect scare tactic :) although they are very friendly dogs, they just want to get a good sniff on whose comin in their masters house :) haha very protective dogs but such loving ones as well. i owed them big time. the landlord came in, talked a bit then looked around the house (WAS SO NERVOUS) they went near the crawl space, heard them bark like crazy and i just said "sorry they are a wild pair. a bullmastiff with an american bulldog can really drive you nuts i tell ya" they were in and out of the crawl space with a couple boxes within 10 minutes. so relieved treated my two saviors to some pig ears that night.


Well-Known Member
Setting: Ten years ago in Virginia in a medium sized un-named(for my protection) city. The story starts in Florida but ends in VA. I was living in florida doing good growing nice afghani. One day I ran into a dude I knew from grateful dead tour in the 80's, he also had tuaght me a little bit about growing mushrooms in Oregon in the early 90's. He convices me to move to VA and set up a large grow of both weed and mushrooms. So I did. When I get there it quikly becomes obvious that dude is fucked in the head drinks heavily every night and beats his ol' lady. So we have a falling out and part ways except I decide to stay in town and make the best of it. So I rent a large house and set up a large hydro grow and a room a mushrooms. I don't see the guy again. But my wife runs into his wife at the walmart, buying shit for growing mushrooms, about 10 months later. about 2 months later the dude gets busted. I have no idea he's gotten busted; however, the run in between the wives has alerted him to the fact that I'm in town and operating. He got busted becasue about three months after 9/11/01, in february 2002, he parks his van with the engine on in a no parking zone in front of the Grey hound station with a joint smoldering in the ash tray. They check him for warrants which of course he has from years ealier for like 20 pounds of shwag. So they end up at his house where his wife takes them directly to his basement. So all that happens and I have no idea.
Fast forward to april 2002 on a thursday if I recall. I'm awoken by my landlord. He wants to come in the next day to do a termite inspection. I had moved in 6 months earlier when the guy bought the house. If you know anything about real estate you know that the house was inspected when he bought 6 months earlier. (Apparently the dude who had gotten busted with a mushroom lab had the same landlord as me and the landlord knew I moved up there because of dude.) So I talk the landlord into waitin till monday, its thursday at 11:00 am and the clock has already started ticking. So since I know the inspection is bogus it spooks me, I decide to "bugout" as they say in the military. I call my wife tell her to quite her job and come home, we are breaking everything down and getting out of town. I had a very large op., sixteen 400hps in my flower room which had two 4x8 E&F tables. I had 8 large mothers and hundreds of cuttings going all the time. I also had the shrooms. The entire top floor of a big old farm house is filled with shit.
So thursday afternoon we start packing, mind you we had a big house and a lot of personal belongings, so saturday we go to the liqeur store to get some boxes. That's when we run into a mutual friend of the dude who got busted and me. He proceeds to tell me all about how the dude had gotten busted with a big mushroom lab with live mushrooms. But dude had gotten out after 42 days on a "technicality", and he had gotten out on thursday. He was buying booze for the party. Needless to say at that point my heart sank. I told the mutual friend not to mention having seen me.
I went home and destroyed all but a 10, 8 inch tall plants in net pots. and I all but a few cases of mycelium jars. I loaded it all into my car and dumped it in the woods. Unfortuanely I was being watched, already. They recovered the bags of plants and psylocybin bearing mycelium from the woods on sunday morning. We got a uhual on sunday morning and started loading it, at 4:20 pm we sat down to smoke a bowl and decided we would take showers and start driving. I got up walked to the front door to get the tapestry off the widow and when I pulled it down there were federal agents standing there. they had no warrent they really didn't need one at that point. They arrested me I took responcibilty for everything so they let my wife go thank god. She is still with me. I spent Almost 15K on attourneys did 18 months 3 years probation and $3500 fines. My mother died 23 days before I got out.
Now ten years later. I never ever have more than five plants growing at a time. We have absolutely no friends, we would never risk it. My wife works and goes to school I sit at home and grow our meds and most of our food, since we are vegan. I have not worked in years. I inherited a house and pick up truck. So its cool.


Active Member
Setting: Ten years ago in Virginia in a medium sized un-named(for my protection) city. The story starts in Florida but ends in VA. I was living in florida doing good growing nice afghani. One day I ran into a dude I knew from grateful dead tour in the 80's, he also had tuaght me a little bit about growing mushrooms in Oregon in the early 90's. He convices me to move to VA and set up a large grow of both weed and mushrooms. So I did. When I get there it quikly becomes obvious that dude is fucked in the head drinks heavily every night and beats his ol' lady. So we have a falling out and part ways except I decide to stay in town and make the best of it. So I rent a large house and set up a large hydro grow and a room a mushrooms. I don't see the guy again. But my wife runs into his wife at the walmart, buying shit for growing mushrooms, about 10 months later. about 2 months later the dude gets busted. I have no idea he's gotten busted; however, the run in between the wives has alerted him to the fact that I'm in town and operating. He got busted becasue about three months after 9/11/01, in february 2002, he parks his van with the engine on in a no parking zone in front of the Grey hound station with a joint smoldering in the ash tray. They check him for warrants which of course he has from years ealier for like 20 pounds of shwag. So they end up at his house where his wife takes them directly to his basement. So all that happens and I have no idea.
Fast forward to april 2002 on a thursday if I recall. I'm awoken by my landlord. He wants to come in the next day to do a termite inspection. I had moved in 6 months earlier when the guy bought the house. If you know anything about real estate you know that the house was inspected when he bought 6 months earlier. (Apparently the dude who had gotten busted with a mushroom lab had the same landlord as me and the landlord knew I moved up there because of dude.) So I talk the landlord into waitin till monday, its thursday at 11:00 am and the clock has already started ticking. So since I know the inspection is bogus it spooks me, I decide to "bugout" as they say in the military. I call my wife tell her to quite her job and come home, we are breaking everything down and getting out of town. I had a very large op., sixteen 400hps in my flower room which had two 4x8 E&F tables. I had 8 large mothers and hundreds of cuttings going all the time. I also had the shrooms. The entire top floor of a big old farm house is filled with shit.
So thursday afternoon we start packing, mind you we had a big house and a lot of personal belongings, so saturday we go to the liqeur store to get some boxes. That's when we run into a mutual friend of the dude who got busted and me. He proceeds to tell me all about how the dude had gotten busted with a big mushroom lab with live mushrooms. But dude had gotten out after 42 days on a "technicality", and he had gotten out on thursday. He was buying booze for the party. Needless to say at that point my heart sank. I told the mutual friend not to mention having seen me.
I went home and destroyed all but a 10, 8 inch tall plants in net pots. and I all but a few cases of mycelium jars. I loaded it all into my car and dumped it in the woods. Unfortuanely I was being watched, already. They recovered the bags of plants and psylocybin bearing mycelium from the woods on sunday morning. We got a uhual on sunday morning and started loading it, at 4:20 pm we sat down to smoke a bowl and decided we would take showers and start driving. I got up walked to the front door to get the tapestry off the widow and when I pulled it down there were federal agents standing there. they had no warrent they really didn't need one at that point. They arrested me I took responcibilty for everything so they let my wife go thank god. She is still with me. I spent Almost 15K on attourneys did 18 months 3 years probation and $3500 fines. My mother died 23 days before I got out.
Now ten years later. I never ever have more than five plants growing at a time. We have absolutely no friends, we would never risk it. My wife works and goes to school I sit at home and grow our meds and most of our food, since we are vegan. I have not worked in years. I inherited a house and pick up truck. So its cool.
God dam bro that has to suck. and i am glad to hear your lady didnt leave you after you went to do time. But what did they charge you with and how many "plants,drugs" did they charge you with


Well-Known Member
I was charged with "manufacturing" THC and Psilocybin, PWID Marijuana and Psylocybin, Possession of a firearm while in controll of a drug manufacturing facilty. The feds for some reason didn't take it and it all went state level.
I plead guilty to the manufacturing charges and fought the gun stuff hard since it carried life. It got dropped to misdemeanor concealed weapon. I fought it all for 9 months before getting sentenced. No bond. It was hell. I wouldn't recommend it.


Active Member
I was charged with "manufacturing" THC and Psilocybin, PWID Marijuana and Psylocybin, Possession of a firearm while in controll of a drug manufacturing facilty. The feds for some reason didn't take it and it all went state level.
I plead guilty to the manufacturing charges and fought the gun stuff hard since it carried life. It got dropped to misdemeanor concealed weapon. I fought it all for 9 months before getting sentenced. No bond. It was hell. I wouldn't recommend it.
So how could one "tell" if you are being watched like was the only reason u got busted cause ur friend narked you out? or how did they come to know?


Well-Known Member
He snitched. Plain and simple. They don't find someone like I was by good police work. Ironically I was housed in the same pod in the same bed as he was. My cell mates were astounded. It was as if I did his time for him. I mean 42 days for an operational mushroom lab with fruits in the bins.

I got charged with 42 pounds of weed and 38 pounds of fungus, all wet. A 15K lawyer is the only reason I ever got out. It was fucked just like in "traffic" when the wife asks the coke dealer what she should do. I had to tell my wife were the stacks were hid, in code during a visit. Fuckin movie material but whatever I'm sure there are lots of guys like me. The only way to change it is to vote but if you can't even legalize weed in Cali then I don't see much hope. I hope to see legal weed in my life time but unless the 20 somethings vote theres no chance, no chance...


Active Member
Damn Ech,
I'm really sorry to hear that bro... stories like these make me both sad and angry at our government.