Busted 4 days after 420


Active Member
Did you make sure you asked him if he is a defence or prosecuting lawyer. A prosecuting lawyer will defend but some (state employed ones) get paid anually for a value of defended and prosecuted people as a statistic, so they may get paid more if someone goes down.
I think it works like that, someone explained it to me once, but ill be fucked if i know it all 100% detail now.

Still, i agree, fire him.


Well-Known Member
yea man he is going to do you more harm than good! Really I know you have already made your mind up but I am going to remind you...............FIRE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
thanks bro. i went to jamaica when i was 19 , hella beautiful place, just the people were always tryin to sell me wood pieces and tourist junk. but i bet the other parts of the island are to die for. definitely have to take ya up on that offer. im up here in WA so i will be in touch.


Well-Known Member
I'll be coming through this summer delivering a vehicle to Alaska for a family member, might have to drop by! Definitely will be visiting Vancouver on my way up.


Well-Known Member
well turns out he postponed tomorow court for next week and just got a call from his secretary., had to request a day off work, now im stuck with a day off when i could be makin money. god dammit. watch me get fired, new job asking for 2 days off in 2 weeks of starting there. fuckin prick lawyer gonna cost me my job. well technically i costed myself my old job and this would be 2 jobs i lost if i do get fired.


Well-Known Member
well turns out he postponed tomorow court for next week and just got a call from his secretary., had to request a day off work, now im stuck with a day off when i could be makin money. god dammit. watch me get fired, new job asking for 2 days off in 2 weeks of starting there. fuckin prick lawyer gonna cost me my job. well technically i costed myself my old job and this would be 2 jobs i lost if i do get fired.
i'd spend the day finding a new lawyer. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Your lawyer might suck, but delays and postponements are the nature of the court system. Good luck next week.


Well-Known Member
seems to me like karma bit yah on your ass. i mso sorry dude.. and how many people did you tell ??? and yeah.. larry, he deserves a nice bag of $HIT on his front porch... from yours truely :-D


Well-Known Member
I started reading this thread last night.. just finished it.

I've gotta say, I am soo sorry my friend.

Is CPS still involved in the situation? It's those bastards that worry me, not the cops- fucking unconstitutional illegal pedophile kidnapping ring, that's the CPS.

Did you fire that piece of shyt lawyer? It's clear he is biased and would not represent YOU. You're already in the process of being fucked by people who are looking out for themselves- don't make the same mistake again.

I honestly can't believe there hasn't been MORE help from the members here at RIU, I'm kinda saddened by that.. all this "family support" thru this thread but from the sounds of it- very little action. We can't get a chipin going or something?

When's your little girls birthday? What size is she wearing now? Does she have a favorite tv character?

I'm going thru money problems myself- hence why I haven't been around for like a month (phone was turned off)- but it is things like this that are much more important than any multibillion dollar corporation getting more money. I can't pay for a new lawyer for ya- but I can def. help out as much as I can.


Well-Known Member
thanks milf. thats a hell of a thread to read beginning to end. i hate cops but they did their job thanks to a certain snitch. fdd2blk helped out . couple others with small donations. her bday is july 21st 10 days after mine. she likes mickey mouse , but its all good . thanks


Active Member
Fire, you got a paypal account? You should because it's a really easy way for a lot of people to give small donations.

I know you probably don't need it since you were running the largest operation east of the mississippi....oh nevermind...


Active Member
These cops need to worry about meth labs not a couple of tokers doing their friends a favor by growing good bud. Best wishes to you and your family.