BushMaster vs LST?


Active Member
Hey all,

'been doing lots of reading here and in the various guides (this is imho the best repository of grow info on the net—what a great community!), and have been acquiring supplies for my first grow (some bagseed that's already sprouting nicely under natural light, and some Arjans Haze #1 which should be arriving by the time i've got my setup up&running)...

so here's the scoop:
i'm going for a stealth-grow in existing cabinet space that is only 32" high, and so i'm anticipating (especially with the presumably sativa-dominant arjans haze) that i'll need to do some serious height management with the plants themselves. i'm figuring that i'll do LST (and topping) to accomplish this, but as well i've gone ahead and picked-up some BushMaster (to be used later on before flowering and very sparingly). my question, though, is can i/should i use bushmaster in conjunction with LST & topping or is it a one-thing-or-another sort of deal?

many thanks!



Well-Known Member
hey dude just wondering if you ever got around to using the bushmaster on your plants. I used it once last year , hella burnt some plants with it at the normal dosage so I put it away and havnt tried it on any other plants since then. That was last year but Im working with a sativa pheno of the hog and the damn things stretch to 3 ft tall when you put a 1 ft tall plant in there. They really grow for about a good 3 week stretch. Just thinking about pulling the bushmaster back out and see how these plants take it.


Active Member
'haven't gotten around to trying it out yet...
my current grow's been some NYC bagseed that i LST'd and quasi-SOGed, so my colas (which are probably some indica-dominant strain anyway) have been staying pretty low and compact...
'next grow is going to be the sativa-dominant Arjan's Ultra Haze #1 which i'll be SCROGing, so i'm expecting that the bushmaster might have some good effect there...
'will let you know in a couple of months! ;-)


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Well-Known Member
This is my second grow so I'm no expert by anyone's stretch of the imagination. I do agree about this community, it's a wealth of info and ideas. I read for many a week before I ever posted, bought a few 'bibles', read them. Jorge Cervantes discusses bending your plants in a short couple of pages, pics included. The results were impressive to say the least. My closet is five foot long, so I put two shower curtain rods in there, one behind my plants and one in front. I proceeded to bend my girls over and tie them down. They are now growing horizontally. I'm using a four foot, four tube high output t5. The light is now uniformly about five inches from the buds, except for the tops which I can no longer tie down without ruining the bud so they are a bit closer, maybe three inches. The popcorn buds on the sides of the stem, are now starting to look like miniture main colas. I still have four to five weeks of flowering so I'm hoping these buds will reach five inches when all is said and done. By the looks of things, I expect this to double my yield by the looks of things. My only regret, I didn't start bending them and tying them down after about week three of vegging. They were flowering for two weeks before I started and the improvement is stunning in just two weeks.


Well-Known Member
hey dude just wondering if you ever got around to using the bushmaster on your plants. I used it once last year , hella burnt some plants with it at the normal dosage so I put it away and havnt tried it on any other plants since then. That was last year but Im working with a sativa pheno of the hog and the damn things stretch to 3 ft tall when you put a 1 ft tall plant in there. They really grow for about a good 3 week stretch. Just thinking about pulling the bushmaster back out and see how these plants take it.
Hit those with half the dose you gave your plants last time and see what happens...

Sounded like the recommended dose was too much for your particular setup (strain and medium).

When I was reading about it they were saying the amount you should use greatly varies and you should start trying it out in small increments like 1/4 and 1/2 dosages to see how the plants take to it before hitting them with it at full strength.

By the nature of what it is, its an experimental thing and you have to tweak it for your setup.

Wish I had the huge writeup on it bookmarked but I just stopped reading when it said that alot of their testing with these organic compounds did NOT end well in aero setups, and thats what I'm all about.. lol

General consensus most people came to was that gravity was the only humbolt county product worth using.

Back to the OP:

Bushmaster is a single method kind of deal, it inhibits growth during the flowering 'stretch' and turns the plants into 'bushes' instead of tall stalks.

I don't really think it would work well with topping or LST just because those two methods rely on the stretching to do what they do.


Active Member
I don't really think it would work well with topping or LST just because those two methods rely on the stretching to do what they do.
that makes sense...
thanks lurkmaster and +rep

'think that i'll then save the bushmaster for the motherplant (which i just transplanted to her veg pot after some amazingly vigorous germination. w00t! :bigjoint:) and just top/LST the clones going under the SCROG.
