!!!!Bush Set Up 911!!!!!


CFL Cabinet Grower
1. You still believe, even after the Katrina failure, The failed War on Drugs, The failed War on Poverty, and the miniscule 1% interest you've earned on the money you had confiscated from your paycheck (SS) over those 50+ years ... that the government is here to help you/us? Now, that's funny! :mrgreen:

Government is power, pure and simple. This is what the Founders understood. That's why the intent of the Constitution is to chain the powers of the federal government and to give the powers to the states.

2. On the JFK assassination ... I saw the event on TV news the same day it happened. I actually watched Jack Ruby off Oswald on live TV. I saw the McGruder film. I watched the Oliver Stone film. After all of that, I still believe that Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman.

As Florida Girl said ... to date, no one has proved other wise.

Hahahaha holy fuck... wow.

What if it was the other way around and we were asking for proof that Harvey Oswald was the long gunman and that all the evidence you see that you choose not to believe was in fact the truth. Just for a second reverse the table here. Everything that suggests he was behind it is flimsy evidence. So prove your side of the story please. Oh wait im sure you will just refer me to the same government you believe in. No thanks. :peace:

Go back to your mainstream media, close your eyes, tell me I'm wrong. Do what you wish.