Bury a Fish underneath your plants!

It sounds like an odd concept but I had a few old school growers show me how well it works! When you go to dig the hole to put your plant in bury like a whole 8- 16" fish like a foot underneath the bottom of your preexisting plant roots and when that plant finally blooms well lets just say its an excellent bloom booster! I have had a few instances of animals digging up the fish but the best solution is to bury the fish like a few weeks before you plant the plant! It works great give it a try!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you have done this before chitown?!?....but let ur fish soak in salt water to remove mercury? this is y i said this sounds gnarlyyyy!!!!!!! :D


you have done this before chitown?!?....but let ur fish soak in salt water to remove mercury? this is y i said this sounds gnarlyyyy!!!!!!! :D

no what im sayin is i have caught lake and river fish and done that to them so i could EAT them!!!:bigjoint:

im sure your idea would work. indians reaally did used to do that to. for some reason though i would rather use fish emulsion, wich is the same concept but with liquafied fish...:-P


Well-Known Member
i think i'll stick with the organic bat guano and nutes for now! :D i do like to eat fish though! ...seafood is amazing! :D anyone have pics of the same gentic plants,one with fish one without?..lol


Well-Known Member
chitown in correct about the fish emultion. it will break down much much faster than an entire fish.
fishholing (as ive heard it called by the old tyme hillbillies out here where deliverance is the norm) was more intended as a fertilizer for next years crop
not the one you just planted, as it takes that long for the material to be broken down bacteriologically into plant friendly organic compounds.
because the plant cant eat the fish, lol.
the only benefit you would see in the current crop would be a slight increase in available N. of course when growing outdoors, a slight difference makes a big difference, so if you did a side by side you would see some improved growth on the affected subject.

however the true benefit of this technique is definitely long term, as an entire fish will provide a full range of NPK. it just takes a long time to decompose...
personally, i wouldnt waste my time with this, because unless your a legal grower, you shouldnt be planting in the same spots every year. and if you try doing this indoors :lol: hope your friends with the orkin man....


Active Member
no what im sayin is i have caught lake and river fish and done that to them so i could EAT them!!!
Considering marine fish have the same problem with mercury contamination, it's not reasonable to expect that soaking a fresh water fish in salt water will remove any of the mercury. The mercury in the cells of the fish when you catch it will still be there when you eat it no matter what you do. The only thing you can do to limit the mercury is travel further upstream.

I'm not knocking your practice. The salt water bath can serve to destroy many fresh water born pathogens, and might add some flavor as well. The mercury isn't going anywhere tho.
I dont have a problem using the same spot year after year as long as they are not compromised in any way. I find your crops get better from amending the near by soil ( I usually dont use the same holes but right next to works great then go back to the first one and so on) Good luck to all!


Well-Known Member
i don't know weather it affects the taste or not all i know is O4aUsErNaMe used this method w/ his "08/09 monster grow attempt", and came away w/ over 9 lbs off of 1 plant!!!!! check it out https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/87646-o4s-2008-2009-monster-attempt-76.html it's post 75 where he shows his final tally drying. it is an awesome sight to behold. and u can go thru the thread and watch the monster grow. now i know that they get a longer grow season dwon on the land of oz but still....
on page one, he has pics of the "fish soup", he poured it into his 3 ft. deep hole. and filled it back in 3 weeks before he put his transplant in. so recap: page 1 has his soil mix and pics of his outside setup....page 75 has his final harvest. somewhere between pages 72-77 shows pics of the bonfire he had w/ wat he didn't need/couldn't use!! worth a look! needless to say i will def be planting some fish under my girls this year!!!


Active Member
shit is different because of the way it decomposes... different types of shit have always been used, even with the plants u eat, but if you have ever smoked a plant that someone pissed around thinking it will keep the animals away, it smells and tast like piss. and , much like piss fish has a very strong odor, no mtter how much you flush it will tast like piss. thats why i brought this up.