BURP You Kids!!!! What do you think Help/ Advice wanted + rep


Active Member
So I have now just completed my harvest of my second girl. So overall from two plants we got 5oz on the money (dry) Have been curing the first for a little over a week now, and literally just started the other today. I have read many differing opinions on how often to open jars to allow new air and for how long. I have heard and do refer to this as burping the jars. According to Ask Ed, and another grow source, They say you can burp once a day for a longer period, For the first plant I burped about four times a day for shorter times and now after the first week or so will lower it back to once a day. What are your views. Should I continue and do the same for the newly harvested plant. Burp many times for a smaller period of time and after the first week or so drop back to one or two times. Also does anyone take the buds totally out of the jars during the burp? Tell me what you do/did or what you would / have been told to do. Thanks + rep for any solid advice.


You should "burp" the curing buds 2 times a day, you could go all the way up to 7 times but I would not bother.. after about 2 days you should either:
1) Lightly shake the buds in the jar so air can get to other parts of the bud
2) what you said and take the buds out and re-arrange them(what I would do so not as many resin glands fall off)

What I have done is gone to a local grocery store and purchased a "lock & lock" tupperware container with a plastic slotted riser for the bottom so the entire side of the bud can get air (instead of just sitting on solid plastic/glass. They are air tight, smell proof! :clap:
I dont pack to tightly because I want the bud to look as natural as possible without any indentations from cramping the buds in a jar.
- Im sure what you are doing will work but I like this and felt I should share.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor!