Burnt leaf edges at such early age?


Hi guys,

I have started seeing burnt leaf edges since about a day or so. It had not have this problem until now (This is week 2 since plantation of the germinated seeds), so I am not sure what this is about. The temp has kept near 75F and humidity has been normal. I have watered it every 4 days. The medium is 5050 coco/perlite. What problem could contribute to the yellowing of the new set of leaves?

Thanks in advance for your response...



with the coco-perlite dirt you'll need to add your own nutrients since neither of them have any. id hit it with a little molasses with salt. 1/4 teaspoon/quart for molasses and 1/4 teaspoon/quart of salt. coco/perlite is for advanced growers that dont want to have a fail/grow and knowing whats in the dirt for easier diagnosis.


Yeah, I am checking and controlling the pH. I read that I shouldn't give any nutrients for the first two weeks, and this is why I haven't given her any. I guess it's about time for nutrients! I have Humboldt's set. Should I simply follow the basic nutrient schedule? My plant is JD's Lowryder Auto.
Nutes are always a bit of a guessing game but rule of thumb is to start with 1/4 the suggested and go from there making sure it doesn't show any signs of deficiency.


How do you keep the temp down? My room seem to get a bit warm occasionally, and I keep the plant in a micro PC case.


Active Member
Did you test your coco for ppm before use?
Coco is produced near the sea and absorbs a lot of salt,which will kill your seedlings if not rinsed out.
After losing a couple of seedlings coz of salt in new coco,i always test my coco for ppm before use.
If you have any of the coco left over from what you used,put a handfull in some water and let it sit
for about an hour.Then test it with your TDS meter(if you have one)deducting the original ppm of water.
I recently tested some that had 400ppm salt,before i rinsed it down to about 200ppm.
My water being 150ppm.
The coco i bought was advertised as washed.
with the coco-perlite dirt you'll need to add your own nutrients since neither of them have any. id hit it with a little molasses with salt. 1/4 teaspoon/quart for molasses and 1/4 teaspoon/quart of salt. coco/perlite is for advanced growers that dont want to have a fail/grow and knowing whats in the dirt for easier diagnosis.
Idk about putting salt into that mixture pure molasses would be fine but salt will only hurt the plant .....ya I think it might just want a feeding go light like 1/8 recommended dosages