Burning Charcoal, or Hey Howcome the Cats Dead.


Active Member
my god people, who gives you these ideas.

yes burning charcoal produces co2, but it produces co in equal quantities.
you know co, carbon monoxide, you know the ground hugging gas that mammals have trouble processing so it just slowly builds up in the bloodstream till it reaches lethal levels.

and as an added bonus you get to add actual fire into an enclosed space that was already "very" safe what with the high temp lights, various splices, and inability to observe constantly.

how could any sane individual see this as better than yeast based co2 production. no fire risk, cheap as hell, and acetic acid fumes actually eliminate odors from airborn fatty acids (pot smell). and if one wanted too u could use your co2 producing yeast to brew beer, wine, etc etc.

oh and just to start some shit.

only i am right. anyone who disagrees with me is a bad person and should feel ashamed. any opinions that differ from mine are obviously the products of a diseased and feeble mind. you should all feel as i feel, and think as i think, because differing opinions lead to differing ideas, which leads to cultural diversity, which causes disagreements, leading to strife, which often results in conflict. as such anyone who disagrees with me supports war.


Active Member
i will have u know i am the all knowing all seeing eye.

born to gypsies under a full moon at the end of a rainbow in a patch of four leaf clovers with a birthmark in the shape of Winston churchill having sex with a typewriter (just like it says in the prophecy).....


sorry i was thinkin of someone else, im just some guy.