Building my firlst grow room


I'm gunna start out by saying I'm definitely new at this.

Ok, so my wife is finally letting me build a little grow room. I'm only looking to do one or two plants in my closet. I was looking at this idea but have a couple questions

What should the water to nutrients mixture be in the reservoir?

What kind of pump would I need to bring the liquid from the reservoir to under the plants?

The pots the plants go in, are the bottoms cut off or holes in them? It looks like there are holes so the roots can get the nutrients from under.


Active Member
ok well.

your definatly starting at the deep end of the ocean with the hydroponics

but yes, usually the pots have ALOT of holes, often using a thing called a "net cup"

any water pump will do, just make sure you dont exceed the pumps rated rise (ie the maximum height a liquid can be pumped)
also try to get one thats not too noisy

youll also need to keep the roots at the right temp, too cold and root growth is slowed, to hot and your asking for a fungal or bacterial pathogen

youll need to get some 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to help keep pathogens under controll.

plan ahead make sure you have a place to vent hot air.