bugs that look like miniature grasshoppers


Well-Known Member
i have shitloads of these little bugs that are like mini grasshoppers on my outdoor plants. they are very small and an almost off white color. they have been around a while dispite weekly neem sprays. they dont seem to be harming the plants but im not sure. they are the only bugs i see and they hop around like grasshoppers do but are very very small

i am sorry for not having pictures but i hope someone can figure out what they are from my description and tell me if they are bad or if they wont bother anything


Well-Known Member
plz post pics. are you growing outside or what. give details so we can help you bro


Well-Known Member
plz post pics. are you growing outside or what. give details so we can help you bro
they are outdoors and i live in michigan. i wont be heading to them for at least a week because they are quite a ways in the woods too far to walk. they are little white colored hopping insects thats are all over. when i sprayed the neem oil they were just hopping like crazy everywhere. im sure the neem will probably take care of them i was just wondering what they were


Active Member
i saw one of these on my soil. i caught it and threw it out along with a small amount of dirt


Well-Known Member
i saw one of these on my soil. i caught it and threw it out along with a small amount of dirt
they are grashoppers and there isnt much you can do about them. there is going to be more and the will get bigger. they shouldnt cause any damage minimal if any. no control they are constanly on the move. some can move up to a mile a day so dont bother with any poson. every year towards the end of summmer grasshoppers and crickets hatch breed feed and die. its a small 4-6 week burst and then ther gone. if you start growing every year you will notice them like clock work, sorry im ramblin i`m a bug guy-peace;-)


Well-Known Member
looks like this?
i think that is them. but they dont seem to be eating the foliage which aphids are known to do. the leaves didnt look messed up and there were dosens of them hopping around. i sprayed heavy neem and ill keep doing it for another couple weeks but i have to lay off for the last couple weeks of flower. do you think they will go away?
They're called Leafhoppers. They look and act like grasshoppers but you can't see the legs, right? I have em too and so does any other outdoor grower. They're harmless. They may take little nibbles of the fan leaves, but they don't do any real damage. They're pretty resilient to pest control, so you may doing more harm than good by trying to get rid of them. As long as you don't have Grasshoppers (fuckers will eat a whole plant in one day) you're fine. Leafhoppers only feed on sap so they'll leave your babies alone. Check out this link for all the info you need. http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/~dietrich/lfhFAQ.html