Bugs or nutrient deficiency?

My plants are about 4 weeks and thr other day i noticed a couple spots and figured it wasnt much of anything and id watch them. Yesterday i watered and boom out of no where tiny brownish spots appeared all over. Anyone have an idea what it is?



Well-Known Member
My plants are about 4 weeks and thr other day i noticed a couple spots and figured it wasnt much of anything and id watch them. Yesterday i watered and boom out of no where tiny brownish spots appeared all over. Anyone have an idea what it is?
Could be thrips or spider mite. Are those clones? What does the understide of the leaf look like? Can you find any small bugs...both these bugs are tiny, but not microscopic.
Could be thrips or spider mite. Are those clones? What does the understide of the leaf look like? Can you find any small bugs...both these bugs are tiny, but not microscopic.
That's what i was hoping it wasn't. They are clones. I have looked and haven't seen any but I'll check again when i get home from work. I did find one fungas gnat which i killed then let the plants dry up as much as possible without damaging plant before watering again. Undersides look pretty normal ill take a few pics and post them later

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
That is textbook spider mite damage.
Get yourself some spinosad. Captain Jack's deadbug brew is cheap, safe, and effective.
And increase air circulation. Mites have trouble mating in breezy conditions.


Well-Known Member
Since I love different strains I run into this all the time. No stress, just buy a couple products. They're expensive, but will last.

Products with Spinosad (derived from a bacteria), pyrethrins (derived from Chrysamthemums), or azacirachtin (derived from Neem oil) are all safe solutions in your veg space, but you should pull away from using them by week 2 - 3. I'd do treatments every 3 days for a week and then treat weekly with Garden Safe Neem (this is the easiest to mix and is sold at Lowes for like $11)

Here's my Go-to Products for immediate action:
Azamax (Azadirachtin)
Monterrey Garden Insect Spray (Spinosad)
Pyrethrin Garden Insect Spray

You can do a dunk w/ all three of these combine and cover all your bases.
20170122_131242.jpg 20170122_132101.jpg 20170122_131242.jpg 20170122_132101.jpg This is the best underside shot i could get since i use an led grow light and its hard to get a good picture with just my phones flash. I see a few dots around the bottom of the leaf that could be spider mites? I work at home depot and theres some insecticidal soap by miracle grow that says its organic and works for thrips and spider mites. Anyone have any experience with it? Unfortunately dont think i have anywhere near by that carrys captain jacks



Well-Known Member
Mites. Treat asap. Plenty different treatments to choose from. I use a Dutch organic wash from Spray and Grow. Always works.


Well-Known Member
Since I love different strains I run into this all the time. No stress, just buy a couple products. They're expensive, but will last.

Products with Spinosad (derived from a bacteria), pyrethrins (derived from Chrysamthemums), or azacirachtin (derived from Neem oil) are all safe solutions in your veg space, but you should pull away from using them by week 2 - 3. I'd do treatments every 3 days for a week and then treat weekly with Garden Safe Neem (this is the easiest to mix and is sold at Lowes for like $11)

Here's my Go-to Products for immediate action:
Azamax (Azadirachtin)
Monterrey Garden Insect Spray (Spinosad)
Pyrethrin Garden Insect Spray

You can do a dunk w/ all three of these combine and cover all your bases.
Spinosad is safe up to harvest.

Azamax is neem.
Last night i went out and sprayed some captain jacks dead bug spinosad. Not sure if its helped yet since these suckers (excuse my pun) hit so fast and did a bunch of damage and its hard to tell if anything new has been done. But i finally found one of them and got a picture of it hopefully you guys can tell what it is since i cant zoom in. But def is not spider mites. Also they didnt try and fly away when I picked them up so gonna say the spinosad did the job and killed them?


Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
View attachment 3882432 View attachment 3882437 View attachment 3882432 View attachment 3882437 This is the best underside shot i could get since i use an led grow light and its hard to get a good picture with just my phones flash. I see a few dots around the bottom of the leaf that could be spider mites? I work at home depot and theres some insecticidal soap by miracle grow that says its organic and works for thrips and spider mites. Anyone have any experience with it? Unfortunately dont think i have anywhere near by that carrys captain jacks
Yep, those are mites for sure.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Last night i went out and sprayed some captain jacks dead bug spinosad. Not sure if its helped yet since these suckers (excuse my pun) hit so fast and did a bunch of damage and its hard to tell if anything new has been done. But i finally found one of them and got a picture of it hopefully you guys can tell what it is since i cant zoom in. But def is not spider mites. Also they didnt try and fly away when I picked them up so gonna say the spinosad did the job and killed them?
They *are* spider mites. You need a good jeweler's loupe (30X) with a built-in light. Grow stores carry them for around $20.
I'd say you missed a spot when you sprayed initially, which is expected. It's hard to hit every square mm of plant surface.
Keep spraying every three days for a couple of weeks and the mites, along with their eggs, will be gone.
In my environment, buts are a constant threat. I kill them with spinosad, then try to prevent them with SNS209 (rosemaric acid systemic). I can run the SNS209 up to three weeks from harvest, but I usually stop giving it to them when I flip to 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Last night i went out and sprayed some captain jacks dead bug spinosad. Not sure if its helped yet since these suckers (excuse my pun) hit so fast and did a bunch of damage and its hard to tell if anything new has been done. But i finally found one of them and got a picture of it hopefully you guys can tell what it is since i cant zoom in. But def is not spider mites. Also they didnt try and fly away when I picked them up so gonna say the spinosad did the job and killed them?
Fungus gnats, if it has wings that's what it is. Not a spider mite. Mites have 2'spots on there back you can see with the human eye. Get some yellow sticky strips.


Well-Known Member
It looks like you might have two problems going; definitely the bugs but also those rust spots look like an early Ca deficiency. Purple striped stems too, FYI.
It looks like you might have two problems going; definitely the bugs but also those rust spots look like an early Ca deficiency. Purple striped stems too, FYI.
Refering to my post correct? I had thought so but i wasnt sure. I am using 1 tablespoon of calimagic per gallon of water every watering as directed on the bottle. Should i up the amount or use the calimagic as a foliar spray?
Just did my second spray with captain jacks just to make sure all bugs are for sure gone but its been 3 days since first application and plants arent getting bitten anymore so looks like the problem is all cleared up thanks everyone I really appreciate all the help!
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