Bug problems already


I have a bunch of little pests running around in my soil. Not sure what they are...they arent on the plants at all, they seem to pop up more when watering, but recently starting to see them even when im not watering. I did some research, but I wasnt able to determine exactly what they are. Any help appreciated.

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Active Member
I cant see picture but if they are fungus gnats,go to lowes or home depot and buy mosquito dunks($10 for pack of 6).Put one or two into a ziplock bag and crush with a hammer.Spread the crushed material all over each plants top soil.It wont kill the gnats that are alive, but it will kill the larvae keeping them from eating your roots.The rest that are flying will die within a few days.When you water it will activate the dunks which are safe to use.If you start to see the gnats come back,repeat process.When I used soil,I added these crushed dunks every 3 or 4 wks just to make sure they didn't return.Hope this works for ya.


Active Member
do they crawl around the rim of the pot? most likely HYPOASPIS MILES. i've actually witnessed them eating a lady bug. they got hungry after they finished off the fungus gnats. awesome creature!! definately keep some of that soil and propegate them!!