buds from getting wet?


Active Member
I've read that it's more likely to get mold on the flower if you allow it to get wet, by rain.
is this true?
how can i prevent it from getting wet?


New Member
im not sure if its true bu to prevent it from getting wet you can put a cardboard box over it mayb like a trash bag with holes in it holes for oxygen


Well-Known Member
that is just dumb, it would be like me saying all outdoor pot has mold. in bad conditions your buds can get mouldy but not very likely if your plant is getting sunlight and air


Well-Known Member
You can't do anything, if you put a plastic bag over it how would it dry out if covered? That's just one of the many obstacles of outdoor growing.


Well-Known Member
If your buds are bunch up together and not getting airflow w/ lots of rain you could get mold or rot. If you can use string and tie em away from each other.


Active Member
I read about this in one of fdd's long threads yesterday, and in regard to rain wrecking buds he said "BULLSHIT" lol


Well-Known Member
It is bullshit. Bud mold is usually more of an indoor problem. You can get it outdoor, but you'd almost have to induce molding intentionally. Just make sure it gets lots of air, and it's not all cramped up, and you're golden.


Well-Known Member
that is just dumb, it would be like me saying all outdoor pot has mold. in bad conditions your buds can get mouldy but not very likely if your plant is getting sunlight and air
Hell yea!

They could get mold if they were fully formed and it rained for a few days and humid as hell where they did not dry out.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I read about this in one of fdd's long threads yesterday, and in regard to rain wrecking buds he said "BULLSHIT" lol

Well it could very well be bullshit for where HE lives. I think climate has something to do with it. Nor. Cal is a good climate for outdoor growing... but someone living in a colder wetter climate with not as much good wind can experience mold problems on their outdoor plants.

I think the key is to understand the climate you live in and adjust accordingly. :D


Active Member
i live in ireland and it does nothin but rain here. i have a plant livin outside and shes doin grand, no mould. the only thing is some little creatures like to nibble on her :D