buding i think


Active Member
Hmm yes pictures 1 3 4 and 5 all contain budding plants... Picture two.... I see a ball looking thing, can you check this upclose and see if it is infact a ball .. if so it is a male pollen sack and shold be removed immediatly.. i think i also see female pistils on the plant so i believe its a hermi.. you may want to kill the entire plant unless you can keep a super watchfull eye and make sure it doesnt drop any pollen .. It depends on how many plants you actually have.. if you have like 4 or 5 dont take the risk and kill it ( this is if it is indeed a male pollen sack) otherwise be very careful and watch closely for anything that looks like that and remove it immediatly and throw it in the woods or something.. more pics please?


yes it is a pollin ball. it had 4 stems as my mate i got it off tiped it twice when it was young . one stem started to get pollin all over it so i cut it off an i was getin heaps now getin one or two here an there not as many an now since i cut it off its started budin its the only plant?? wat should i do


Active Member
if its a male either kill it or put it outside away from the females or youll have seeds in your plants and not the good of quality high


Well-Known Member
Get the hermie out . The rest of them look great nice and healthy good work.