Budding Problems


Like I said before I've been budding her for 3weeks now and still no buds so I built a new dark room for her and I was just wondering how much longer it will be??;;


Well-Known Member
I usually see bud sites around week three. Like actual bud sites not just a few hairs popping. It could be a very slow sativa?


Well-Known Member
could you give a bit of background?
how old before you decided to go to flower...
kind of system, light schedule, and so on?


Well-Known Member
pics? so 3 wks ago u switched ur lights to 12-12...okay and she is showing no flowers or no pre-flowers or both? some plants can take 2 weeks to start showing pre-flowers & that is quite normal, other longer flowering sativas could take 3-4 weeks. More info would be needed to help u to answer that question. As well, of course, ur lighting is a high priority factor on the flowering process & if ur lighting is weak or insufficient, it could be another month before u start seeing flowers.


Well-Known Member
right...in my experience most plants need two weeks just to adjust to the new light timing alone...
then the first phase of flowering is an explosive vegetative growth....no flowers....lasts days to weeks....
that might be interrupted if the plant has a small/bound root system as well....it won't do squat then....
genetics might have it go 'slow' by whatever standard you use as well...
could be anything really...


I've been veging her for 4months and I just got a simple set up I'm using 4 cfl light and one fluorescent light and I decided to start budding her on 420 she's about 3ft tall I topped her at a 1/1/2 ft and she's doing pretty good I can see some hairs but that's about it


Well-Known Member
limited light will slow you up for sure...the topping will add to the delay as it readjusts....

give her a couple of weeks to recover would be my vote, at least.


Well-Known Member


roughly 150-200 watts per plant?

i would need PAR comparison data tables to know for sure....wattage and lumens are fairy stories to me...
i don't fully understand it yet....


Well-Known Member
4 cfls and tube isnt nearly enough to flower a 3 foot plant. cfls will work fine if you know to use them, but in your case you would need a bunch more and every one would have to be within two inches of the plant to get any results. that would be a pain the in ass and very impractical. if you want to get worthwhile buds then you need to invest in a hps setup. go get yourself a 400 watt system.