bud worms..yuck


I had bud worms burrowing into the main stem near the tops of buds and, to what it looks like, it seemed if they were perhaps gaining a drink and laying these brownish eggs about creating a type of moldy situation where the buds were falling off prematurely....very frustrating. Any suggestions?:???::???::???:


fucking kill them, suplhur based products will work well, if not im sorry man hate to hear it good luck


Well-Known Member
Worms are good!

They provide castings that the plants feed off, the nutrients are great for these plants!


Well-Known Member
heres a semi retarted question, could i put worms in my soil?? lol go easy on me hehe
It's actually ok to have worms (no homo), they shed their skin and leave castings that are great for your plants. Don't fear worms when growing.

I know it's weird to see them there, but it's all good!