Bud Rot


Active Member
I am from south florida and anyone who lives here knows how high the humidity here is and how much rain we get.Because of the rain and high humidity I lost a beautiful crop of twenty big bubbleberry plants dripping with resin three weeks before harvest.The cause Botyritis (bud rot).The second time it ruins a perfectly healthy crop.What I want to know is are there bud rot resistant plants or anything i can use to prevent this.Covering them during the rain is not an option.Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I am from south florida and anyone who lives here knows how high the humidity here is and how much rain we get.Because of the rain and high humidity I lost a beautiful crop of twenty big bubbleberry plants dripping with resin three weeks before harvest.The cause Botyritis (bud rot).The second time it ruins a perfectly healthy crop.What I want to know is are there bud rot resistant plants or anything i can use to prevent this.Covering them during the rain is not an option.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry for your loss bro :cry:

The only thing I can think of is that a strain I'm growing is TH Seeds Rambo. It claims to be a guerilla grower's best friend. It seems like a pretty good plant so far from what I can tell but I'm not exactly in gorilla territory and my plants get alot of attention.


Active Member
Thank you DragonPhoenix, I was actually thinking of using that strain but wanted to wait on the feedback from other growers.


Well-Known Member
I am from south florida and anyone who lives here knows how high the humidity here is and how much rain we get.Because of the rain and high humidity I lost a beautiful crop of twenty big bubbleberry plants dripping with resin three weeks before harvest.The cause Botyritis (bud rot).The second time it ruins a perfectly healthy crop.What I want to know is are there bud rot resistant plants or anything i can use to prevent this.Covering them during the rain is not an option.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm from S. FLA as well, Palm beach area, I know this isn't exactly the topic of this thread, but how do you get specific strain seeds to Florida? I didn't think it was possible to order them from the internet because of legality, is there a way? I am wondering because I am also afraid of this problem when my plants start flowering, and does anyone know of any ways to prevent bud rot from happening?


Active Member
The only way really is to keep them in a greenhouse outdoors to control the rain.. But its kinda hit and miss, i suggest not topping your plants... i live in hawaii so i know what humidity can do, if your plant is less dense then you get better airflow. I also use 4 fans in my 18X10 foot greenhouse to move air around. Sorry about your loss i am fighting bud rot and powdery mildew right now to.


Active Member
AMS and The church are another option I am thinking about,but when the greenhouse seed company states that there strains are mould resistant they dont say which type of moulds.I read an article in hightimes of jay generation from next generation seed company growing his canadian genetics in spain and most of his strains did not get bud rot when the locals strains did.The only problem that I see with acquiring his seeds is that I dont know of a reliable seedbank that sells his stuff.


Active Member
The church and AMS are mould resistant,but are they also bud rot resistant?

bud rot is mold. grey mold.
they are mold resistant, but not necessarily mold proof.

sorry for your loss. good luck!

someone else

Active Member
maybe get a more sativa strain less dence buds dont mold as bad, a mountin sativa ive been looking at is ace seeds congo
I couldn't agree more. Florida's climate is unlike most of the U.S; southern Florida even more so.

Sativa's grow in the most humid and moist places on earth; Thailand, northern South America (near the equator), Mexico, even the Mediterranean. Sativa's prevail in these areas. Lots of space between bud sites, so more air flow means less of a chance of the rot.

I would look into a mold resistant Haze (one of a million suggestions I could offer).

In your climate, Haze's would have a better chance of finishing then almost anywhere else in the U.S. (some Hazes I've seen have gone over 14-15 weeks flowering easily).

If you're seriously interested in growing primo bud outdoors though, I'd strongly consider your grow environment and what you can do to protect your plants from rain.

Use the SEARCH feature, and look at guerrilla shelters for budding plants. There are some just amazing things people do to protect their plants from rain.

You live in a tropical environment brother; face the facts and adapt or watch your plants drown and die away every year.

Just my 2 cents. I wish you luck!

loaded dervish

Active Member
Get a sweet purple mold resistant and a early finisher perfect if it will grow in holland it will grow in florada it is a 8 feet tall beast yeilding 500grams of strawberry tasting purple buds perfect for a token!!