Bud Rot or not?

Is it bud rot?

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New Member
I think this is budrot however i have inspected the bud (pulled her apart a little) & it seems as if the yellow of the bud started on the outside; now everything i read says budrot starts on the inside so then i was thinking light bleaching, but i am outdoors in a greenhouse so surely not? also i read that light bleaching is more white than yellow; so what do you think?
Also it gets very hot & the bud is kinda crispy.
I spotted the yellowing on the bud about 4 days ago; im day 9 of 14 day flush.
If it is budrot do i cut it out or should i harvest her asap & throw the yellow bits away?

Also sorry for rubbish pics but its late & dark (light in 1 hand, camera in the others; then the battery died :S ) might add better pics 2mos.



Well-Known Member
i cant really tell anything from your picks if you suspect bud rot get some serinade , a dehumidifier maybe but im guessing a dehumidifier wont werk in a greenhouse


New Member
she went crazy when i flushed, weird coloring everywhere but this bud changing color is most concerning.
Here are better pictures
DSC_0513.jpg DSC_0515.jpg DSC_0517.jpg DSC_0518.jpg DSC_0520.jpg


New Member
after seeing some more yellowing/browning i decided not to wait.
cut the top bud it was ok from the outside but by the time i finished trimming it was obvious. About halfway down the phat clump of buds that form the top bud was a brown moldly looking stuff; it covered a big area (of bud) & spread from that point upwards. The bottom third was fine the rest; binned.
Now after a thorough inspection of my other lady i find some browning at the very top of the top bud. I cut it straight away, checked the rest of her & she looks good. She is a little way behind in flowering so how do i stop the mold(/ budrot what ever this brown mj killer is ) coming back? i dont wanna lose anymore :S


Well-Known Member
Too hot imo. Possibly overwatered causing pythium. Really more done wrong than right. You got bugs too, mites perhaps.


New Member
thanks for the compliment :D
yes heat is an issue; which i have failed to fix
im not familar with pythiumi will search.
ive had spidermites, fungus gnats, aphids + some unidentified :S

Here is an edited image of 1 posted above highlighting bad area
(i didn't take pictures before binning)

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Wow well you got it all....bugs fungus...and mold. ...bot to be rude but many things went wrong here...don't smoke moldy bud. Way bad for you


Well-Known Member
To the hash pile I say.
Good call on inspecting the bud beforehand. Budrot is my worst enemy cause screw my humid state. One of the telltale signs is when you pull the nugs apart you'll see what looks like spider webbing.
Also with budrot in every case I've seen the bug gets brown and crispy like. You can actually crumble them if you squeeze the nugs with your fingers.