Bud Rot / Mold and more rain coming up. Need adivce!

So last year i had some bud rot problems but this year its rediculus. I am in new england and the area is somewhat swampy so its always super humid around my plants. Like above 60 or 70 percent.
I have lost almost half of my harvest so far. :-( I clipped and trimmed some top colas but they deff have a week or 2 left. There are 2 days or rain coming up. Should i just chop everything down early and not risk any more ifestation or try and stick it out? Any advice please!!


Active Member
I also have had to battle mold this year. I live in the NorthEast US and we have had great weather up until the last 4 weeks of harvest. Now ive been battling mold issues since week six, cutting off tops etc... With as much mold as ive been getting even on the dry days, the weather report just said were in for about 3 days of rain. Since Im around the end of week 7 my babies are looking good, so I just took them all down since theres no sense in loosing any more to mold. If youve already lost alot of your crop to mold Id say cut them down and salvage what you can, if youve only had to cut out mold in one or two places Id say letem go as far as they can to maturity. Hope this helps

*Disclaimer* All statements made above are purely fictional and hypethicaly what I may do if I were in that situation


Active Member
if your on your last week then yes i would pull them.....if it has 2 mabey 3 weeks left then i would leave them and find a way to put something over them or be out there 4 times a day shaking them off..last few weeks a crucial for bud growth if they can handle it..check the weather forcast for the following week..
Yea i think you guys are right im gonna go pull em today. It just started drizzling and I would be out there around 2 or 3 PM, is that a good time of day to harvest? Or i could go out there around 6am tomorrow while its raining? any suggestions?


i'm in new england as well and losing my battle with the rot. i already chopped two and am going to chop another today. it kills me because they could really use another week or two, but this rain isn't going to help the fight. i feel your pain...


Well-Known Member
yea watch out for the rot. i was planning on covering my plant with clear plastic this morning, becuase yesterday was supposed to be nice and i couldn't check. it ended up drizzling ALL DAY yesterday and my plant already had bud rot spots this morning. lost a good piece of my main cola.it could have used another week at least, but it's supposed to be humid all week and that stuff will spread like cancer.


Active Member
Gotta love mother nature, although, she can be quite a bitch sometimes!

I hope we get a little sun to dry things out abit. Good luck guys.


Active Member
I'm in the very same position its supposed to rain all week n b humid I got like 3 weeks left about idk Wat to do I only found 1 bud rot spot this morn and idk if I should / can pull in the rain will I be able to hang dry inside w/o more rot issues? And should I try n wait it out maybe some neem oil ? Or not even risk ? Opinions plz


Well-Known Member
Southern Canada oveer hurr and im getting some rot already too.


not too much yet. and prob. have a week or two left..

But i gots them in pots and usually bring 'em inside if it get too bad out.

same issues here got two nice girls both hybrids one is deff more indica with red hairs and decent solid buds prob needs another two weeks and then i have a more sativa dom with dark green leaves almost blue. bud spots left and right all the way up the branches, but it prob needs another four or five weeks the way it looks!
a few of my girls had some issues with mold they were far enough along for me to just harvest then and there (thank goodness) i caught it early i just cut out the moldyest spots and cured it