Bud Density, Lumens or Relative Humidity??


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this has been covered....
I read in another thread that to get dense buds the RH must be 30% maximum.
the writer I don't remember who said RH was the deciding factor in bud density and resin production.
said that the lower RH makes the plant create tighter buds and more resin as a natural Protective?

I thought it was Lumens per inch that gave dense buds?

what am I missing?

My RH is 65% at the top of my tent and 52% just above my medium.

If my RH is to high what mini dehumidifier works to draw out 30% of my humidity,
I don't have much room to spare in my tent?
3x3x6 tent.

thanks for Reading RIU!

time to smoke a Fatty!


It's the lumens which give you denser buds not lower humidity but in which I think it's down to experience really and what you know :)

harvey m

New Member
In my experience, the biggest thing that affects density, once everything is optimized, is temperature. Trichome production, it is light. Specifically, light that is not monochromatic, and has some uvb. Yield, it's co2 + light + temp + RH + air movement. You're trying to achieve the best balance. Higher temps = higher plant growth rates, until the buds start to become more loose and airy. Higher amounts of light = increased trichome production, until the leaves and trichomes start to get burned up and bleached out. Lower RH = increased transpiration, meaning a lower tds required. Increased transpiration means the stomata in the leaves are more open, reducing the requirement for airflow and co2. Lower RH also makes the environment more receptive to spider mite takeovers. It all has to be in balance. In general, I would not go much over 60% relative humidity for fear of mold, and probably not under 50% due to being a waste of electricity, and being easier for the spider mites, which seem to love dry air. 30% is really dry air.


Well-Known Member
Plants with denser buds (indica) are more likely to have fungal problems in high RH

Jamaicans started growing Indica's because of the shorter flowering time and general convenience
BUT the high RH of Jamaica is far more suited to their traditional stretched and loosely budded Sativa plants.

So RH can affect the health of buds (ergo the quality)
but not the size or density.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this has been covered....
I read in another thread that to get dense buds the RH must be 30% maximum.
the writer I don't remember who said RH was the deciding factor in bud density and resin production.
said that the lower RH makes the plant create tighter buds and more resin as a natural Protective?

I thought it was Lumens per inch that gave dense buds?

what am I missing?

My RH is 65% at the top of my tent and 52% just above my medium.

If my RH is to high what mini dehumidifier works to draw out 30% of my humidity,
I don't have much room to spare in my tent?
3x3x6 tent.

thanks for Reading RIU!

time to smoke a Fatty!
subbed before i forget lol im making a coffee .

im 2 week left to chop and just wondering what effects if any temps and humidity have on the density of the budszz :)

its a medical indica in soil