Bubblelicious CFL grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Skunkybud, I was already there but I must have been to high to find it lol

Yeah I was thinking of only giving my plants a light spray of molasses once or twice a week during the last week, maybe last 2 weeks of flowering just for taste.

I checked the other night and both plants are female :) Later today I am going to put everything in this cabinet I will upload pictures later. Luckily I still have a roll of mylar


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Skunkybud, I was already there but I must have been to high to find it lol

Yeah I was thinking of only giving my plants a light spray of molasses once or twice a week during the last week, maybe last 2 weeks of flowering just for taste.

I checked the other night and both plants are female :) Later today I am going to put everything in this cabinet I will upload pictures later. Luckily I still have a roll of mylar
Looking great so far.As for as the Molasses 1tblps per gallon shook well,and add to soil.
For foliar, Aloe works great for me.


Well-Known Member
1 tablespoon of molasses or teaspoon? Also, how do you apply aloe as I foilar feed my plants almost daily and they love it.


Well-Known Member
This is day 33, I picked up the cabinet from Home Depot, am preparing it (covering the inside in Mylar), bought this booster fan and will get everything in the cabinet on Monday. The larger plant is about 15" now, so once I get the cabinet ready I am probably going to flower it. I might keep vegging the other one until it gets bigger.

I also just bought these 2 lights (85w and 42w), I am going to add them with my 2 105 watt CFLs.
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Well-Known Member

If you can,I would adjust your lights where the spiral part of the bulbs are horizontal to the plants your loosing
a lot of light,with them vertical.
Most of the light comes from the middle of the bulbs,on cfls.
Also,I would not let them get too tall,Id train them to grow wide,instead of tall.
That way when they strech during flower they wont be to tall for the CFLs to reach the lower 3rd of the plant.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, yeah this is the max that I'd let one grow vegetatively (15-16"). Now that I have the cabinet almost all ready, I am going to start flowering the taller one in the next day or so and place the other one in my closet to continue vegging.

I added a new 42w 2700k bulb, I also got an 85w 5500k bulb but it is way bigger than my other bulbs so what I am going to do is buy a single socket, screw it in and place the light vertically against the wall and one side of the plant, and then just rotate the place 3-4 times a day.



Well-Known Member
I got started on the ventilation to get rid of odor, cut out a 6" hole and fit this booster fan in between the 2 compartments, cut out a 6" hole in the back to vent out. I am going to make a DIY carbon filter in the next few days, install that in the compartment where my plants are and use about 1-2 feet of 6" ducting to vent it out of the cabinet.


Well-Known Member
I have been pruning the larger plant which I am going to start flowering today or tomorrow. There are already 5-6 bud sites developing on this plant. My other plant is 5-6" shorter, but is denser and bushier so I am going to put this under a light in my closet and keep it on a 24/0 light cycle for 2-3 weeks while I switch the larger one to 12/12

I have been foilar feeding my plants (the same mixture I water them with) once, sometimes twice a day and lightly spraying the bottom of the leaves with seltzer water (pure, no sodium).



Well-Known Member
I started flowering both plants yesterday (by switching to 12/12), and my bigger plant has a good number of bud sites. I will be adding my DIY CO2 generator tomorrow



Well-Known Member
I will post an update later today. I got 3 PC case fans, got them wired up to a phone charger and am going to install them into the rear of my cabinet later today (for air exchange).

I got the booster fan hooked up, I want to run it for 30 seconds every 10 minutes for ventilation which I highly doubt is easy/possible to do with timers/etc so I will be installing this fairly sophisticated Arduino-RaspberryPi system (robotic) in the next few days. Right after my accident I graduated with a BS in computer science so now I get to combine 2 of my favorite interests :)


Well-Known Member
I got the fans wired up and installed in my cab, now the ventilation is done (just need to get the booster fan on a timer). Keeping the temps around 77 with the doors closed.

I can already tell that the height combined with the size of the CFL bulbs is going to be an issue soon so I am going to buy an LED grow light soon...in the short time I will prolly just pick up a $200 Vipar

For some reason I cannot upload pics right now, will upload them as soon as it starts working again...


Well-Known Member
Alright so the one plant has gotten too tall for my liking, I am about to get an LED light (either Area 51 or CLW 200)...but I switched the lights to 12/12 on Jan. 7th and I am still not seeing it flower, any suggestions?


seth gibson

New Member
I've seen utube videos where growers snap but don't break (pinching) the plant while in flower to direct the plant to grow sideways. I noticed you might be able to have the branch come out a ways towards you. I don't know if this would be too hard for your growing situation or if it is a horrible idea.
I just had a plant give me confirmed white hairs on 19th day of flip. I almost threw it out afraid pollen sacs would show up and burst overnight.

Your 4 way light fixture may stick out but looks like it works great and is cheap.


Well-Known Member
Alright its already been 12 days but I am a n00b so I was not sure. I am about to stake and bend the taller plant down so it grows out more horizontally.

I also decided I am going to aerate my water (I should have from the beginning) as I already have a few air pumps and air stones. In the next few days I am going to have my dad construct me a reflector out of plywood, sockets and mylar so I can position the lights horizontally instead of vertically (which is taking up too much space).

I got my Raspberry Pi pretty much all set up and will mess around with my Arduino in the next few days (primarily just to control the outlets via a 8-channel relay).


Well-Known Member
Just found these lying around...not sure why I had 2 lol. Now I am just going to consolidate it to 1, maybe 2 CFL bulbs (following joebowler's grow). Gotta love Amazon Prime, getting this bulb for the rest of flowering :)



Well-Known Member
My plants finally started to flower :)


I should have LST'd them from the beginning (as well as Scrog), the one plant is staying short and bushy while the other has stretched out too much.

I just ordered 2 of these and will finish flowering them under just these (2700K).

I also just found my 4 and 8 channel relays, and more importantly the schematic for these so I can't wait to get them wired up so I can control power outlets with my Arduino :)


Well-Known Member
Since my plants both started budding, I took a look at them and realized that light was not going to be able to penetrate to the bottom leaves, so I did some more pruning.


Also, I got my Arduino+relays working to control power outlets so I will be adding this into my setup in the near future. I am using this as a test run in order to get all my Arduino and Raspberry Pi stuff working completely for my next grow.