BubbaGum's Area-51 LED GirlScout Cookies and Purple Urkle grow


Well-Known Member
Howdy folks, longtime lurker about to start my first fully medical grow in Southern California. Looking to dial in my setup so any advice or pointers are more than welcome. Feel free to post anything on topic (LED related, Purple urkle/GSC, etc)

2 Area-51 135 watt units
4 inch inline fan with attached philter for intake, 2 ducted passive outtakes (fan bringing air in from the AC)
T-5 4 bulb panel
Gorilla Grow 2x4 Tent
Fabric Grow bags (7 and 5 gal)
Small clip fan
Rebel XSI camera (So cheap and now I'm supposedly a pro photographer with it in hand haha any input on good camera usage appreciated)

Roots Organic (Manna Mix on the way)
Natures Nectar P,K,N
Mineral Matrix
Humboldt Prozyme and Bloom
Canna Bio-boost
Technaflora Soluble seaweed

*note* I'm waiting for Kyle Kushman's Veganic line to be ready (September 30th) after smoking the product it produces I must say it's really something else. Smooth taste and exhale, rich flavors, vibrant colors and that THC-coughing-from-you-lungs-not-throat-effect you look for in a great sample. Until then I'll be using the mix Kyle advised using Natures Nectar and Humboldt mostly. I'll also say if anyone is in socal hit up buds and Roses they are expensive but they have unique strains, many available in seed form so it's a good place to try a strain before growing. They carry a decent amount of TGA, DNA, and Rare Dankess stuff, for example right now they have TGA's plushberry and it's such a purdy strain. The smell is very arousing haha. Subcool drops stuff off as well so I've got a specimen jar with Vortex, Timewreck, TinyBomb, and Plushberry (some actually grown by him!) so cost aside it's a great place to touch and see before committing. Timewreck is ridiculous BTW.

One massive multi month vegged Purple Urkle and 2 Girl Scout Cookies clones (From Buds and Roses, they say it is the Platinum cut or the "McFly") Not gonna touch that comment with a ten foot pole haha but it's what they say though doubtless a few members on here can educate me on the different cuts and what to expect. If I hear the phrase Forum Cut I swear hahah. All I know is this is one of my favorite strains (perhaps because I love Durban Poison so much? If that is indeed part of the lineage) to smoke so I was pleased when they offered cuts. Despite his admission there's nothing of use in the thread, a user named Dan Kone has a thread detailing many GSC cuts and how the cuts from a few nursery's perform so there IS some good info there for anyone curious.

The Plan
The plan is to take cuttings from the Urkle and to root them along with the two GSC's in a separate tent (looking to get another 2x4 in the next month along with two of the new area-51 units). I've had slight issues with the Urkle and haven't been able to figure out the problem. Last two pics show the problem. Been in straight Roots organic, has recieved cal mag every water, temps range from 72-80 (rarely 80) and the light cycle is at 18/6. If I can fix the problem (or rather if someone gives me much needed advice on what it IS) I'd be grateful. Once I get the next tent up and going I'll be popping some TGA Ace of Spades as well. If I fix the urkle problem I'll flower it after taking cuts however it's possible Roots is just too hot for Urkle so if I can't I'll scrap it after taking cuts and try a lighter soil or a soiless mix. Anyone have any experience? Maybe she really is just a finicky bitch (should get along great with me if it's true haha)

Updates to follow later this week.
I think it was the Roman Virgil who said,' And let no spot of idle earth be found, but cultivate the genus of the ground." Happy growing gents and ladies and thanks in advance for your wisdom and input.



Well-Known Member
Subbed up brother, what ratio are your 135's? Carrying the 660 Helio before they ran out?
Thanks fella, glad to have you along for the ride. These panels actually don't have any special spectrum just the base models so I'm I'm interested to see how they perform compared to the grows I've seen with custom spectrums like the esteemed Dawg and Beef. I bought them around November. What's your take/opinion? I'll def be getting the new panel before the end of the month so one tent will stick with the 135 watt units and the other will have the 160 unit ('s).

BTW why is Hygrozyme impossible to find, I saw on your grow you couldn't find it locally either. Very odd, couldn't even find it on amazon.


Well-Known Member
Thanks fella, glad to have you along for the ride. These panels actually don't have any special spectrum just the base models so I'm I'm interested to see how they perform compared to the grows I've seen with custom spectrums like the esteemed Dawg and Beef. I bought them around November. What's your take/opinion? I'll def be getting the new panel before the end of the month so one tent will stick with the 135 watt units and the other will have the 160 unit ('s).

BTW why is Hygrozyme impossible to find, I saw on your grow you couldn't find it locally either. Very odd, couldn't even find it on amazon.
Hear you go: http://www.amazon.com/Hygrozyme-1-Liter/dp/B000BTCPI0

Hey, looking good!

Man I got some Cherry Lopez from Kyle at the LA cup. I was told by Kushman it is rare? you tried it yet.

I really want want to visit Buds and Roses.


Well-Known Member
Hear you go: http://www.amazon.com/Hygrozyme-1-Liter/dp/B000BTCPI0

Hey, looking good!

Man I got some Cherry Lopez from Kyle at the LA cup. I was told by Kushman it is rare? you tried it yet.

I really want want to visit Buds and Roses.
Ohhh right yea I was trying to follow a list to the letter and couldn't see whether it was by Humboldt or not so I went with prozyme. Thanks though, I'd heard early on that you shouldn't mix diff companies products but I'm seeing that isn't really the case.

Interesting, I was sure I'd had it before but I just looked and I don't have a specimen jar of any (When I see a batch of high quality and known lineage that is a good representation of that strain, I save a small jar like a gram or so and label it. I have issues haha) It's nice having Kyle as a resource there because when a strain pops up or cuttings become available it's easier to trust that the genetics are real. I've had cherry diesel there which was FANTASTIC, the batch (I'm told) favored the Cherry Lopez side and it looked absolutely gorgeous, just coated with gleaming wink-back-at-you crystals. And the taste was real strong cherry tasting excellent high with a nice bit of energy and power. Very enjoyable. It's def a great club and it's pretty much my go to place when I'm not broke. Check the menu or call ahead before heading out there (if it's a drive) and you can get info on what's gonna be coming up soon.

Thanks for popping in I'll have updates coming and your advice will be put to good use.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow going on in here. Personally I would check your medium's PH too see what that "clawing" is all about, but overall they look healthy. Interesting thoughts about your opinion on vegan buds, and that veganic line from Kyle(any more info on it??pricing?). Hyroot has been going on about how great vegan grown buds are as well, what I don't understand how are going to get High N levels that MJ loves with JUST plant based ingredients??? I have no idea


Well-Known Member
Coffee grinds. Or you can have a vegan come over and piss on your plant. LOL

Subbed and Sorry Bubba. I'm bored and stalking PSU.
PSU happens to be very interesting so understandable haha. BTW frogs are my favorite animal on earth. Hah my childhood bedroom has maybe a dozen posters and framed pictures of frogs. And by childhood bedroom I really mean current. Kermit the frog should have said it's not easy growing green. ANYWAY.

PSU, thanks for the tip didn't even occur to me SOIL ph might be off. Question, conflicting info on taking soil ph. I'm told using a water ph meter (with runoff) isn't always accurate should I just grab a soil truncheon? I've been at my wits end with the small deficiencies as I've always ph'd my water but now I'm seeing some other grows people saying Roots organic sometimes needs some lime. Good thing I have a 35 pound brick of dolomite lime wrecking my car everytime I make a turn. I'll be interested to see how the Manna soil runs, I'll be grabbing it tomorrow. Hopefully not as many fungas gnats as roots, man I really have to let them dry out well or those little BUGGERS (hyuck hyuck) seem to appear fast if I've overwatered at all. Keep the tips coming as you see them needed!

I'm a big fan of seeing is believing and after starting to smoke veganic bud it made my mind up fast. It's always smooth, never dry throat coughing, and I think, judging what I've seen and know about strains and how they tend to grow from seed when you have a bit of variation in traits, it really allows the plants' true qualities to standout and they are so pronounced. I'm actually considering running Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow/Bloom +Bud candy just to see a comparison as I've already got the grow A+B. I've also had supersoil results from when Subcool drops off stuff at B&R and again, amazing medicine, very very close quality. Pricing-wise I'm not sure yet but from what I've heard Kyle doesn't approve of AN's high price and he explicitly mentions under 12 in the whole line. I'm like 90% it's 7 products, he mentions exactly how many in one of the threads on his site I couldn't find it offhand though. So definitely not a ton.


Well-Known Member
Took six cuttings from the Urkle and cleaned her up to make room for the second GSC youngling, newly potted in Manna Mix.
Tomorrow I'll be grabbing a soil ph meter (unless anyone can vouch that a water tester can work with runoff). Last picture shows the deficiency plaguing my Urkle. It started in the interveins and is only present in maybe 2% of leaves. Very odd, hopefully its a soil ph problem causing lockouts then it'll be an easy fix with my lime.

Question, can anyone suggest good passive intake filters? Once things get smelly I'll have to use my current inline fan for the carbon filter so I'll need to find a filter that doesn't require a booster fan. Alternatively, if anyone has used small booster fans for intake any suggestions on quiet ones?



Well-Known Member
Probably the first time I was hoping for ph problems but soil ph is 6.2 so no problems there. I'm thinking it must be lack of potassium. I'll be getting a smaller tent in a few weeks (3x3 or 2x2.5 still need to weigh what'd be hanging) and I'll pop her inside and start her on the full lineup along with the SGS. Meanwhile i'll start transitional feeding. Probably should have already, just thought Roots Organic was supposed to be pretty beefy GRANTED she's been vegged awhile AND TOOK FOREVER. Also did some last trimming. Alot. Wish I'd had the camera earlier because as the deficiencies started the leaves showed really clearly where the damage was now most the damaged leaves have decayed too much. Also, I changed the cycle slightly when the heat was bad. Anyway. Veg period is boring. Deciding whether or not to try topping a GSC. Have DECIDED not to pursue a side AN experiment for the time until my skill level can handle different nute lines on diff strains in diff tents.

Two GSC's doing alright, the one I got a week previous the other is starting to look really nice and I love the color her leaves have. The younger was wilting a bit probably because I waited too long and she got too much water. Also had some heat in the building, and after some water coming out of my window ac I cleaned the screen. Made a HELL of a difference, took temps down in the room a bunch and after hovering at 89 for a day or two now back down to mid seventies. Pics are right when lights come on, can see the incoming ac without adequate exhaust is giving high humidity. Will have that fixed shortly when the philter (phresh) comes. Deciding between S&P Silent or a cheap can fan. My 4 inch vortex is supposed to be quiet but it's pretty loud. Alternatively, might just use my massive vortex to cool both tents. Will do tinkering. So Silent models work in US outlets? Not that it matters my wall ac drowns them all out.

2 Cuttings from the Urkle definitely dead, have some hope for the rest but I didn't use a really good blade so next try I'll have a good tool. We'll give them another week to pull through. Also need to grab a meter stick to start keeping track of growth.

Last, trying to decide between seeds for the future. If anyone has personal growing experience OR sampling experience I'd be interested on your input. I'll be snagging them asap I know the OGR goes in and out of stock often. Will try and show pics once a week but other than fuzzy feelings of thanks (Unless I'm projecting my need for approval onto them haha) they aren't doing much cept getting bigger. Stay tuned. Flowering Urkle starts minimum two weeks.

White Urkle or White Master from OGR - Was told the White Master is a good example on NON OG kush that I so dearly miss and the White Urkle in case my current Urkle isn't quality or proves too difficult for my skill level if real.
Ace of Spades from TGA- I like color weed, and this one I've heard great things about. I want to see BCS hit with some potency so this interests me. I loved plushberry, it was a real delight for the senses and palate and the presentation/smell is RIDICULOUS but has a somewhat "weaker" high (I use that loosely as a clean bong does wonders, also it's more that it has a low ceiling so it's best for mornings, after work/class, when straight sober, etc)


Well-Known Member
So Purple Urkle is going to have to wait haha. Couldn't get it to darken up and get healthy and the final nail in the coffin came when my ph meter broke. Didn't realize till after feeding unfortunately and it shriveled up badly. So two Girl Scout Cookies (Platinum Cookies?) still going. GSC1 is larger and doing well except the leaves have raised veins and feel very dry almost sharp. Any ideas if this is ph related? Have two feedings with ph accurate water so could be residual from my broken meter. Small girl is perking up nicely after a slow start. I'll be getting White Urkle for next strain/for the Led party cup competition so hopefully I have better luck. Comments and advice are appreciated as always, will start flowering within the month.



Well-Known Member
Howdy folks, been busy with school and lazyness however today we enter day two of flowering! Feeding about 15-19 mL of NN nitrogen, 12-15 mL NN potassium, 12-15 mL calmag, 3 mL of Diamond Black humic acid, 3 mL prozyme, 1 tsp veganic special sauce. Will keep this up for the next 2 weeks then adjust for flowering.

Excited to see how a tent grow can do in a regularly light room as tents aren't 100% lightproof. Will post next pics after a week of flowering. Anyone have any success with those small hanging dehumidifiers? Still trying to lower the humidity a bit so I don't awaken to surprises but if anyone has used any other small units with success I'd be interested in recommendations.


Well-Known Member
Howdy folks, we find ourselves now in week 2 day 4 of flowering. Everyone is doing nicely, no problems, no complaining! Feeding last bit of nitrogen this week otherwise we're at 9 ml cal mag, half tsp seaweed, 9 ml humboldt bloom, 9ml nn phosph, 5 ml bio-boost, and a tsp of special sauce. MMMMMM delicious. No smell yet (the plant smell has disappeared 100% after hooking up the carbon philter) and even more amazingly no male genitalia from light leaks. Will be expanding the smaller gsc to a smaller secret jardin under an area 51 sgs at the end of the week as well as starting my partycup for the third led competition. FINALLY SOME EXCITEMENT! Enjoy your summer folks, as always, tips, comments and cool pictures are always welcome.

Big girl

Little girl


Well-Known Member
Howdy folks, entering day 31/60-65. Starting to get some very nice smell and some heft to branches! The tent for the smaller girl will be here tomorrow or tuesday and then I can get some decent pictures and I'll be able to spread out the bigger girl to let light into the interior. Now just waiting for A51 to get its stock filled and I'll have an Sgs in the mail. Exciting stuff starting to get purdy.


Well-Known Member
Great comeback man! My cookies look totally different from yours, very tiny leaves, lots of calyx very little leaf! Great job none the less, we are in the same flowering time as well so it will be nice to see your finished product! Grow on man!


Well-Known Member
Thanks fellas, glad to have you along!

Howdy Slinger, yea I could be mistaken but I believe officially I have Platinum Cookies so that's probably why the difference.