Brownish/Yellow tips? [Pics]


Well-Known Member
Any clue what would be causing this?

  • Using CFL bulbs about 2-4 inches away from foliage
  • Planted in 80% Fox Farms Ocean Forest 20% Miracle Grow brand Perlite
  • Plant is 25 days old
  • Temp: 73-79 F Humidity: 50%
  • 24 hours light 0 hours dark
  • Water pH: 6.8-7.2 Soil pH: 7
  • Watered every 3-4 days
  • Growing in 4 gallon planter
Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Looks like your CFL got a little too close to the plant from the looks of it... other than that all i could say is nute burn, but all the leaves would be getting that...


Active Member
its a little strange if its only on one leaf.??
mite be burn from the bulb but cant say for sure. nute burn would be all over your plant and would look a little diff. was it touching the bulb at any point.?? wot is your temp at the top of the plant??


Active Member
sayin that cfl,s dont give of much heat. im sure sum1 will have the answer for you..

gd luck m8.