Brownies, Whats the Real Deal?


Well-Known Member
K, I'm looking for feedback from those who have made and eaten brownies....
Are they worth making? or am I better off just smoking.

I have have about about 20grams of Mexican Dirt Herb and and about 30 grams of some Mids. Should I use all of it for 1 pan... ya think that would be enough?

I would like to give it a shot but I want it to be worth it.. so any thoughts or ideas would be great.


Well-Known Member
an ounce of anything makes good brownies if you use it all they should rock your dome peice. Are you gonna make butter or just throw it in the batter


Well-Known Member
Was going to throw it in the oil and put it on low heat? I heard it works better then making cannabutter for brownies at least


Well-Known Member
the higher the fat content the better I usually went by the video recipes cook on low heat for 8 hours or more also use a shot of grain alcohol or a couple shots of low percentage alcohol. You have to do it thouroghly i've wasted some bud before not cooking it long enough. It was 100 a quarter hydro too so find a good tutorial and go by it there has to be one on this site