Brown tips on leaves


This is my first grow. I am doing a CFL grow currently in veg for about 3 weeks. I repotted 5 days ago into soil I brought that was for tomatoes and other veg. ph is slightly acidic which is great for veg and cannibis ofc. here is a pic from when it was repotted
A couple of days ago I noticed some browning on tips of leaves and I would say the veins of some of the leaves are a yellow colour. Here are some pics of the leaf tips and the plant as it is now.
I read up on it and thought lack of N so yesterday I gave it a small half strength feed with miracle grow which was 24:8:16.. well, under half strength as I did not give it everything I made up. Today I noticed 2 more leaves in the same general area of the plant had developed brown tips (about 5 leaves now) The brown tips do not appear to be growing at the moment but they do appear to be spreading. Any help in this matter if just to tell me to shut up and stop being a noob would be appreciated :) I am sorry for the formatting but this site is having some issues atm and it doesn't like my newline charcaters for some reason


except for the small half strength feed I have not watered the plant at all due to the soil being very wet when it was repotted.. it is an indoor grow.


Well-Known Member
Brown tips is over-fert rather than under fert. Your plants look great. Leave them alone to do their thang...


Well-Known Member
Get back on with feeding if the leaves start really going yellow though. But don't overwater...definitely.


Well-Known Member
look nice and healthy, your sure you was`t late on a watering or two at some point ?


look nice and healthy, your sure you was`t late on a watering or two at some point ?
Being as this is my first grow I am watching it like a hawk and trying to understand what is going on and reading and watching vids.. (I especially enoyed cervantes). I have over watered at first but pretty sure I have never under watered. I watch the plant and ensure the soil is dry in the first inch to tell me when it is time to water rather then a schedule and the weight of the pot ofc.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
man she looks great! i love the way your leaves are standing trying to get all that light love it! i wouldn't feed she doesn't look hungry, I would give a light Epson salt feed your next watering and lay off the,cannabis is a heavy cal/mag eater it wouldn't hurt she would benefit from it later in flower.


man she looks great! i love the way your leaves are standing trying to get all that light love it! i wouldn't feed she doesn't look hungry, I would give a light Epson salt feed your next watering and lay off the,cannabis is a heavy cal/mag eater it wouldn't hurt she would benefit from it later in flower.
thanks for the advice. cal mag led me here which was informative.. so much to learn